Buckeye Rider Davis Jr.

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Big Water was very odd looking. It was about 340 feet wide and as long as it is from Big Blue to exactly from where I am right now. Big water looked like a pond sort of because there was a end point. It was narrow, not really that curvy.

"Salmons! I will now give you privacy because you need to mate. Thank you for joining me on this journey. I will see you next year. Hayroy may I please speak with you?"

"Sure sir. What is it?"

"I have the feeling you have only have 1 brother left?"

"Yes." I whispered.

"Don't feel bad. I've seen the way you acted around him and you loved him very much."


"I know it's hard and believe I would know."

"What happened?"

"All of my sisters, brothers, my mom, and my dad were killed by the fishermen. I was alone for 17 years. Then I met my wife and we only mated twice because she died trying to save our kids. I realized salmon are always in dangerous territories and we all need to look after each other. Here you go."

"What is it?"

"It's a picture of you, Mordicai, and Bucky."


The picture was in a golden case with clear glass in front. It showed us 3 in our tuxes before I knew Amelie was the one for me.

"Good-bye Hayroy."

"Good-bye Captain."

He smiled then turned around and that was the last time I saw him. Of course I'll see him next year, but that will be in 365 days.

"You ready?"


"Okay now I will fertilize when you squeeze the eggs out."

The first egg that came out was the same size as all the rest, but this egg seemed a lot more special. When the egg hatched it was a boy. I was a dad! This time I'm gonna protect all of my relatives, not just my brother.

"Do you want to call him Buckeye Rider Davis Jr. Wait isn't Davis your last name?"

"Yeah it's my last name, and I think I'd like that. Hey buddy!"

He turned very swiftly with a big bright smile.

"Yeah?" He squeaked.

"You're my son, so this is your name. Buckeye Rider Davis Jr. You can be called Bucky for short."

"Okay. What do you mean Jr?"

"My brothers name was exactly like yours expect without the Jr."

"That's real cool! Is my uncle Bucky dead?"

"Yes, he died trying to save my life. It's okay thought he lived a good life."

"I'm glad that he did save you because without him, I wouldn't be here right now." As he started to smile.

"Yo! Roy that salmon is a cutie!"


"Everyone's ready to leave."

"Okay. EVERYONE! Let's head back to the ocean! You love it there Buck."

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