Buckeye Rider Davis

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"Alright, before we move on I need to make something quite clear. We are gonna have to jump very high. Being a salmon means you can jump very high. It is in your blood. What we are entering is called Bear Falls. Jump when I give you the signal."

"Why do you think it's called Bear Falls?" Mordicai shrieked as he was chewing on his fins in a worrisome way.
"That's probably where the Bears ar- uuuuhhhh! Bucky!"

"I didn't mean to!"

"Bucky would you stop being a dodo!"

"I'm not a dodo! I can catch food and make dinner unlike you!"

"You know what I wish we weren't even brothers!"

"Everyone jump!" Shouted Captain Marshal.

Bucky looked at me shocked. I could see out of the corner of my eye a shadow. When we were jumping I saw a bear coming at me! Bucky jumped in front of me!

"I owe you a life brother since you nearly died saving me. You were the best brother. Love you. Good-bye."

Then he was in the mouth of the bear. We reached the other side of the falls.

"No Bucky!"

"I got to save him!" As I was about to jump.

"No!" As Captain Marshal pushed me back.

"The more we save the more we lose! Go! Go!"

Amelie and Mordicai were pushing me back. I could see tears running down Amelie's face.

"No! No! No!" As I was starting to tear up.

I saw the bear run into the forest. I realized Bucky saved my life. I never said love you back. I never even apologized. I can't believe it. That was the end of Buckeye Rider Davis.

"Let's keep a move on. I know we lost some brave salmons, so let's have a little moment of silence....after we get a few feet away from the falls."

I didn't move. I took a moment of silence right at the edge of the falls.

"Bucky, where ever you are I love you too and I'm sorry I got mad at you."

I wrote his name in the dirt. I wrote his full name. Buckeye Rider Davis and I realized that everyday you have one fin in the grave. I guess life is to short, so I need to love my only brother.

"I know you're sad, Hayroy, and Ivey is probably too, but he we need to catch up with the group. Fyi you just ate my lunch....but that's okay."

"Thanks. Its just why couldn't I have been eaten?"

"From what I understand he thought it was more important to sacrifice himself rather then knowing he didn't do anything."

"He was the best."

"Yes. After what happened a few minutes ago all of used realized that we should think before we speak, and that love is powerful and we should cherish it. C'mon let's go to Big Water."

"What about Ivey?"

"She went back to Big Blue. She thought their was no point of continuing the journey. Once you've declared a spouse that's your spouse forever. She thought getting a different spouse would be disrespect to his memory. That's how much she loved him. Remember to say in your head this quote. I'm fortunate that I have Amelie and shes fortunate to have me. Now let's head to Big Water."

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