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"Hayroy what's wrong?"

"I had the scariest dream!"

"Which was?"

"Bucky died!"

There was a long pause then Mordicai replied in a soft and loving voice, "Hayroy.......that wasn't a dream.....that actually happened."

"Then why was I asleep?"

"After I said the last words of my excellent explanation of love....you sort of just fell to the ground. We thought you died, but thanks to my excellent melon I figured that you couldn't have died just because of a little talk. Me and Amelie didn't know what to do at first because the group was far ahead, so Amelie called her 1 of her brothers and I called Joscelyn to help carry you. Might I ask you this.....what have you been eating lately? You are super heavy!"

"Huuuh. I didn't know zooplankton made me heavy."

"Anyway, the group settled here for the night because Captain Marshal told us to stop because in about a few hours he will tell all the salmons to get up and head straight to Big Water!"


"Really? I thought you would be more enthusiatic."

"Sorry, I mean..... yeah!"

"There's the spirit!"

"Now what?"

"Just go back to sleep. We still have 2 hours."

"How do you know?"

"Captain told me a few minutes ago."

I disappointed. The fact that Bucky dying was true, I think I will have the guilt forever that it is my fault he's dead. I just can't stand the fact that I only have 1 brother left. I have 115 brother in-laws but they have a sister, so they kinda married into being my brothers. They weren't born from my mom and dad. There's a difference. I can't let Mordicai die because then it just me and Amelie.

"Bucky no!" (I was dreaming about Bucky dying.)

"Bro wake up! WAKE UP!"


"We're leaving! Let's go! We are nearly complete with the journey to Big Water!"

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