All good dreamers pass this way sometimes

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Note:  There are a few musical references, so here's a list of songs to give credit, and so you can look them up and enjoy along with the story, if you're into it:

Joni Mitchell, Case of You
Joni Mitchell, River
Joni Mitchell, Last Time I Saw Richard 
Ruth B, Don't Disappoint Me
Neil Young, Harvest Moon

They made small talk as they walked. A few times she wandered closer to him and gave him a friendly bump. Once she even held on to his arm, but only for a moment. She seemed a little nervous.

Noah offered her a change of clothes so that she didn't have to stay dressed up all night. He gave her some sweat pants and a hoodie. Too big for her, but definitely more comfortable than a ball gown. "Do you remember when you told me I wasn't the hoodie type? I was so mad at you for that." She smiled at him.

"You were? I'm sorry."

"Yeah I didn't let on, because you were clearly having a day and feeling down. But you sounded so disappointed in me! It was so unfair. I can be casual! But we're supposed to turn it up to stun all the time in the villa. And, well..." he could hear the nerves creep into her voice, "I guess I just wanted you to like me?"

"Well, I did like you. I do like you." he corrected himself.

Noah opened a bottle of wine while she looked around his living room. She was impressed that he had a piano. It was a family heirloom that his mother was considering donating. He didn't really play, but didn't want it to leave the family, so she had agreed that if he took care of moving it, he got to keep it. He showed MC his record collection, and let her pick which ones they listened to. She put on Joni Mitchell's Blue. One of his favorites. He recalled listening to his dad's copy when he was 12. He heard the lines

Remember that time you told me

you said love is touching souls?

Well surely you touched mine,

'cause part of you pours out of me

in these lines from time to time.

He remembered thinking, so that's what love is. I'll have to remember that.

They discussed music, work, gossip they had heard about the other Islanders. He noticed she got quiet and looked sad when River and The Last Time I Saw Richard played.

"So..." he mustered up his courage to ask what he'd been dying to know. "Bobby."

It wasn't actually a question, but she understood the intent. "Bobby" she sighed. "You two haven't been in touch?"

"No, I'm shit at keeping up with friends, I'm afraid."

She smiled to herself, realizing that though this may be true, he had somehow kept up to date on her whereabouts. "Well, I suppose you know we aren't together anymore."

"Yeah I heard. I'm so sorry," he said sincerely.

She looked upward and took a shaky breath. Despite her efforts, a tear rolled down her cheek. "Wow, I'm sorry to get so emotional so quickly. I blame the wine." She tried laughing casually. Noah just sat quietly waiting for her to continue. He considered telling her that she didn't have to talk about it, and changing the subject. But he badly wanted to know.

"I don't know. There's no real quick and easy explanation."

"I'm happy to listen to the long, complicated version, if you want to share."

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