May he master everything that such men may know

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Note: The title of this chapter is from the song "Go Long" by Joanna Newsom.

Bobby got as far as putting his keys in the ignition, but he couldn't bring himself to actually drive away. Paralyzed by an array of terrifying options, he stared out the windshield, wide-eyed. The cabin was stiflingly quiet. His shirt was still wet from MC's tears. And there was no way he could leave her again.

Fuck it. He opened the car door and ran back up to the house. He rang the doorbell, heart pounding, and body tingling with fear that she wouldn't open the door.

But she did. Her face was fraught, but she opened the door. Before he could decide it was a bad idea, he stepped through entrance and pressed his lips into hers. To his great surprise, she returned the kiss eagerly, feeling a sob roll its way out her mouth and into his. He relished the familiar taste of her mouth and urgently pushed his tongue between her lips.

Almost immediately, she pulled away. "No, no, no, this is wrong. This is a bad idea." She shook her head, walking away from him and into the living room. "We can't do this. I don't want to do this. This isn't right."

"This is the only thing that's right." He stepped close behind her, tentative, afraid of scaring her into action, and slowly wrapped his arms around her waist, his lips hovering over her neck. She gasped at his touch, just as he remembered. The way she did in the days when they were in love and happy and her body was his alone to please. He moved his mouth to the side of her neck and nipped at the skin, pulling her closer, pressing his hips into her, feeling the soft curve of her ass against him. She arched into him, and he began to explore her body with his long, agile fingers.

He felt her shoulders suddenly tense, as she roughly knocked his arms away. She turned to face him, her body heaving and pressing into his, rage scrawled across her face. Bobby couldn't tell if she wanted to fuck him or fight him. She reached a hand into his dreads and gripped hard, pulling his face to look at hers. He normally would have averted his eyes, cowered away from her anger. Instead, he took a deep breath, and forced himself to look at her.

"You don't get to come back here and just take whatever you want, when you want it." Fury and grief causing her voice to shake. "You don't get to just have me." She pulled him down by the hair, sitting him on the couch. Bobby's cock pulsed with excitement and need. "You don't want me. Remember?" She glowered at him.

He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer, pressing his head into her stomach, crying again, "You're all I want. Please, lass, I need you" he pleaded desperately. He kissed her stomach and squeezed her hips with his hands. She didn't pull away, but her arms hung limply at her sides. He breathed her in, burying his head into her, groping against her hungrily, pressing his lips hard into her hip bone, her rib cage, below her navel.

Her lips parted and she closed her eyes as she let out a slow breath. She rested her hands on his shoulders. Slowly, he began gathering up the material of her dress, pulling the hem higher and higher up her body. He felt a frantic longing in his body, desperate to see more of her. He wanted to see her thighs, the protrusion of her hip bones. He longed for the sight of her legs falling apart as she let him in again after all this time. He needed to taste her, and hear her breathe his name.

She didn't stop him. He pulled the dress up above her hips, and his breath quickened as each inch of her became visible. He kissed the now exposed skin and slipped his hand under her waist band, sliding her underwear down. He pressed his tongue against her, and nearly wept from the relief of getting to have her in this way again.

She released a guttural, sad moan at his touch, but grabbed his hair in both hands, pulling him harder into her as he rolled his tongue over her clit, between her lips, sucking and kissing, unable to get as close as he wanted to. He ran a hand up the inside of her thigh and slid two fingers deep into her, curling them against her.

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