This is how it started

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After my Aunt Tawanda and her boyfriend Travis came back after there lil baecation is when he started finding ways to touch me. He would grab me by my waist or place his hand on my lower back or just hold my hand. At first I never thought anything of it. But I knew in the back of my mind what he wanted. He would always listen to me talk and honestly  most of the things we would talk about is sex. Rather I thought it was gross or that I didn't like it or even the idea of having it. I saw him more as a friend then my aunts boyfriend. He told me how he remembers me from when I was little so in my mind oh you been knowing my fqmily for awhile so i trusted him. but he would call me a manipulater but I wasn't I would always tell him the truth and the things I was thinking. I tried to tell him I don't like to be touched which if you know me then you would know it's true. Which wasn't a lie people can vague for that. So Paris was over there one morning  and I could hear everything they said so anyways Debby was like they broke the microwave um, first of all it wasn't a they only one person broke it but whatever  and I told Hunter which (if none of yall know that's my stepdad) but anyways I was wearing a mickey mouse and mini mouse Capri pajamas bottom and a see through  long sleeve  tv shirt. Under the t-shirt I was wearing this black kind of body suit I guess that's what you call it. So I told Hubert "let's walk to sheets because of what I heard" Hunter asked me " how long was we gonna be there ". I told him "until my mama get off work" but he had work later so he brought his work clothes.we were only sitting there for maybe and hour or two if that long but Debby texted me and asked " are you gon for the day or are you coming back so I can know rather or not to leave the back door unlock?" I told her that " I was coming back and she said okay" so I told Hunter I was leaving and was gonna start heading back. So I did. I was caring my cans of soda with one finger and a book in the next as well as my phone . I Walked a different  way to get back to the house but I wasn't sure if I was going the wrong way so I kept my eyes on the spaces between the houses so I don't miss where to turn at. I finally made it back. And the house was empty. So anyways I ended up getting there I sat there on  the couch and started  watching game of thrones. He ended up getting back from picking messiah up from school and he was driving her car but he said that since she wanted him to pick up messiah he was gon use her car cause he won't gone be sitting in a line in his car, well anyways as I said I was sitting on the couch but he was like he seen me and he was gon honk the horn and was gon give me a ride but he wasn't sure cause he didn't want to honk at a stranger so he said I was like damn she got a nice ass. he demonstrated basically how I was walking and how I was holding the drinks and he was like some chick was like he was cute for a dark skin dude and I said It was  meant as a compliment  and he was like how? I mean what if I said that you cute with your bonnet on or how about I said you was cute for a girl your size, I said are you calling me fat he said shit you far from it. I didn't say anything so I told him some personal  stuff but in my mind your dating my aunt so I saw nothing wrong with it.  I told him how I was glad to be a virgin because not a lot of people are nowadays and how I really have no feelings for people  and that when I do have sex I just want to have fun and then tell him he can go cause I don't catch feeling and I'm not with that cuddle bullshit. He said what if you get some good dick I told him that I heard that makes you go crazy and he said it's true so you better stay far away from me if you don't want any of this good dick. I said I hate sex cause I hate to be touched and I don't want to be a hoe , he said how does that make you a hoe I said because once you start you can't stop. He sat down beside me and looked me in my eyes and said I want you to tell me you don't want me to fuck you, I didn't  say anything because I couldn't believe  what was happening like why me in case you haven't noticed  Debby and lala have way more body then I do and I couldn't understand why me like what about me made you wanna do any of this but back to the story. He told me that he was gonna fuck me rather I wanted to or not. I couldn't understand why he kept locking and unlocking the door but I told him to leave and take her car back he said why you want me to leave for , I said because you said she couldn't drive your car and  Why didn't  I tell anybody cause I didn't  take him serious like at all, but the clothes she gave me when she were trying to make room for him well you should have seen the way he would look at me and with her clothes on nonetheless, when her and lala and Debby went to wash clothes or dry them what ever the hell and the Kids were sleeping messiah was on the couch and I'm guessing  me Kai was upstairs in your room sleep and troy was supposed to watch them well I was gonna be nice and wash the dishes but it wasn't any bleach so I was gonna go over to her house and see if you had any because debra said she was gonna wash them but she needed some bleach  well when I opened the Door he was having trouble  trying to find the right key so I helped him out, I was wearing this burgundy dress or shirt with matching leggings well I opened the door I went in the  kitchen trying to see if you had any bleach well you didn't and as I was leaving  he was waiting  at the door for me he grabbed  me by my waist and he looked at my body but I was scared so I just brushed it off and walked out as fast asf my legs could carry  before closing the door he said thank you. . He mention how thick my thighs were so I said thick thighs save lives and I was like you just wait. So a couple days  before the 20th troy came down stairs with a blunt oh Debra and me Kai were in her room and me and Hubert were watching  tv. We were watching knock knock because I like that movie. Well anyways troy passed the blunt to Hubert and I asked f I could try it. I guess Hubert looked at him for the okay and troy said yea she old enough so Hubert passed it to me and I took like two hits but I felt nothing. They said I was doing it wrong so i did it again and this time as the smoke was coming out they were amazed because they were coughing and I was talking and I still said  I felt nothing so i did it again and this time yall I was talking about I was floating and they laughing and they kept trying to record my but I wasn't stupid so I kept my eyes on them( Hubert has openly seen troy touch me or feel up on me) and anyways troy said boo boo be wanting  people to think she slow but she really intelligent I felt hurt like wtf but anyways Hubert wasn't paying attention  troy was doing things behind his back. He was humping the air biting his lip and liking his lips but anyways he was trying to stick up for the guy on TV he said that the girls basically raped him but I was saying not really because he knew exactly  what was going on he didn't have to let them in the house he didn't even have to open the door. But he was looking at videos on his phone and he showed us some from when he was driving trucks and how they changed the tire basically  someone lit the tire on fire and you can check his phone those videos are in there and he showed the instagram pic of  some big chick  who is way to confident in her body but he told us how some females would send him naked pics and how he hate when somebody see you in public then they text you or then they find your Facebook.the dogs were barking and i asked him can dogs eat people. I don't know where Hubert was at this time but he touched my draw well technically  my face and he said it depends on the dog and what they eating is you mind you I'm high  Debra brought the baby downstairs so she could shower and the she left to go to work. That wasn't the first time he touched my jaw or my face like that. Oh I forgot to mention the time I was wearing one of the sweat pants you gave me and a long sleave tshirt and I went up there to ask if he wanted a soda and he said was it cold I said i guess so yea because they weren't  hot and the air was on so it was room temperature  well he took the soda alright and he held on to my hand a lil to long for my comfort.  I would always change the conversation and move him from touching me or feeling up on me. When we was watching knock knock he said that basically the girls raped him. I said they didn't because they never put a gun to his head he said he didn't blame him for doing what they did they went down on him and they were both naked and they're  two hot females I would have done the same thing and after I got the booty they was gon leave. I told him they didn't rape him if he enjoyed it.he said he wouldn't    have open the door anyway because that's how people get robbed and he knows this because he used to do that someone would knock on the door and then the other would run up and they would rob the place.  He said he would crack the door and hand them a phone and stood by until they were done. He even told me how him and his siblings would beat up on his mama boyfriends and how he was cool with everybody that was in different hoods and he could go anywhere in new york. Then we talked about his instagram and how people be looking different on insta then on Facebook and how this pregnant chick had a fat ass but she was ugly and how people would send him naked photos  and he wouldn't even know who they were.  But I explained that all the girls wanted to hear was for one of the dudes would say no. But they never did it doesn't  matter how much the guys would love they families but guys will be guys so they're punishing them for betraying their wives and family. my momma was sleeping  and I was watching whatever i was watching and he did it again but I moved his hand and said aren't you going back upstairs and he watched me on his way smiling at me. Okay okay I can hear yall why didn't I tell hear right then and there why didn't I tell anybody because I don't know. I mean half of me wanted to tell hell half of my wanted to scream and cry but hey a lot of people have done that before and nothing happen so that's what I thought  it wasn't the first time and it wouldn't be the last but I always got attention from older men so why should this time be any different. I mean come come on this this is my aunts boyfriend for screaming out loud would you really do that? That just shows how sick and gross you are if you were willing willing to do this to her niece  then why wouldn't you to one of her daughters I mean hell you probably  have for all all I know.

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