Part 5

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Tom left in quite a hurry which made me worried, i tried texting him asking him what's wrong and i just got "don't let anyone in" as a response. I sat there alone in the huge mansion and thought about what was happening and why.


I rushed down the my office as fast as i could, i cursed at myself for letting this happen. I promised her i would never put her in danger and her we are, her at home alone not knowing what's going on.

I had sent the security there about 15 minutes ago so they should be there shortly, my heart pounded in my chest as i  got another call from Harrison.

"Tom mate this isn't looking good" he said into the phone, "why what's wrong?" i screamed back sternly. "Tom they know where Y/n is" he said, my heart jumped out of my chest knowing damn well there going to get her right now.

"I'm going back to the house meet me there" i said my voice breaking, if anyone were to understand the love i had for y/n it was Harrison. He was the one i told when i found out i had feelings for y/n, he knew she was my weakness.

I sped down the highway that leads straight to the house, my hands were sweating and i had a weird gut feeling that something was wrong which only made me go faster. I finally reached the house and when i pulled up my heart sank to the ground.

The big entrance door was wide open, i ran as fast as i could towards our bedroom and there i saw my worst nightmare. Y/n was on the floor in a pool of her blood, i went up to her and found she still had a pulse. I called an ambulance and then called Harrison freaking out.

I had blood all over my white suit but i didn't care, "y/n love come on you have to open your eyes" i whispered as my voice broke. "Baby please talk to me please" i said softly whipping her beautiful hair out of her face.

Her eyes opened softly and i heard a weak voice say "t-tommy", "i'm here baby i'm so sorry i left" i said my eyes being blurred with tears. She brought her hand up to my face "it's okay, i'm gonna be okay" she whispered smiling.

I held her in my arms waiting for the ambulance as she bleed out, i rocked her back and forth making sure she was staying awake. I heard the paramedics come in and they grabbed her and put her on the stretcher.

Harrison walked in shortly after they put Y/n on the stretcher, he walked over and gave me a hug as i broke down in tears. Him and Y/n are the only people who have ever seen me like this, i'm the most feared person in London and here i am crying on my best friends shoulder.

They took y/n in the back of the ambulance and i got in with her holding her hand, Harrison told me he would meet us there. I held her hand the whole way to the hospital never letting go.

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