Part 35

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I woke up to the sound of y/n throwing up in the bathroom, "darling?" i asked hesitantly not knowing if she remembered anything from last night. "Tom" she cried to me, i rushed over to her "i'm her baby girl, i'm right here and i'm never going anywhere ever" i said hushing he cries.

I cleaned her up, and flush the toilet. "Sir, we need you to come downstairs someone says they are here for you" one of my men said, "okay give me a moment" i told them sternly. Y/n was my first priority so i wanted to make sure she was okay before i did absolutely anything, "alright baby i'm gonna go take care of whoever the fuck is downstairs and then i'll be right back up her with some water and medicine for that headache i know you have and we can watch some movies okay?" i asked tucking her in and rubbing her cheek.

"Okay, also tom i'm sorry about last night" she said leaning into my touch, "don't be love, i'm the one who should be sorry" i said kissing her forehead and getting up from the bed to see what was up. "Sir, your dad is here with some guy. They said they wanna talk business" my men told me as i got downstairs, "don't let them in, tell them to get off my property in less they want a bullet 10 inches through their skull" i told them and they all rushed out and went on there way.

I went back upstairs and went into me and y/n's bedroom, and closed the door. "Alrighty princess, let's was shall we?" i asked as she cuddled up into me, "we shall" she smiled. She was very cold, so it was my duty to warm her up and i did gladly. I ended up taking my shirt off because i wanted to warm her up in a more efficient way, we watched 'Snow White, The Little Mermaid,Cinderella, and Mulan' before y/n got bored and wanted to do something else.

"We should play a board game" she said looking up at me, "all the bored games are up in the attic and i haven't ever been up there" i responded, "well then we should go on a little adventure" she smirked. I rolled my eyes and gave into her request and we walked over to where the attic was, nobody in the right mind likes a fucking attic and if they do they are serial killers.

I opened the attic to be greeted with tons of dust and me and y/n coughed at all of it, i went up first and then helped y/n come up. "Whoa" y/n exclaimed, "it's so ancient up here" she giggled. I did too her jokes where horrible but when she giggled at them it made me laugh too.

We looked around for a box that said broad games on it and i ended up finding a box with y/n's name on it as well as her fathers name on it, "what's that" she asked me when i looked at the box confused. "I don't know" i said in curiosity, "one has your fathers name on it and the other has yours on it". "What?" she asked just as confused as i was, "let's take them back to our room" she said. I agreed and picked up one box and handed it to y/n who was at the bottom of the ladder grabbing the boxes from me.

I then grabbed the last box handing it to y/n and then climbing down the ladder myself, "let's take them to our room now" she said picking up the lightest box which just so happened to be hers. We got to our room and y/n started to get really impatient and opened up her box, "what the fuck" she said in a terrified voice. "What?" i asked her, i leaned over to her and looked inside the box. It had multiple pictures of her and her dad that neither of them had taken, they were taken by a third part without them knowing it.

"Open my dads box" y/n demanded, i did as she said and my stomach twisted. She picked up all the files and pictures and read all of them, "this isn't true, he died h-he can't be alive" she said throwing stuff across the room. She backed up into the wall and put her hands in her hair "Tom my dad is still alive" she said, and she wasn't happy about it.

Midnight DealsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz