Killer Won the Detective Over

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3rd POV

Shain was a killer, he killed many people but never got sent to jail. He was good at being quick and hiding. So one day, he killed someone and left, but somehow someone got him.

Rufus was a detective and was inspecting a murder that was recent when he heard that a murder just happened near by, he quickly and effectively left and got to the area, when he did, he saw someone leaving, he followed after them.

"Hey you! Stop it right there!" Rufus said with anger, knowing full well he was the murderer for this one. Shain ran and went between trees and other obstacles, but Rufus was able to catch up to him every single time. (The nerve of this guy...) Shain thought, with a bitter look. Rufus looked for an opening of any kind to get this guy.

As they were nearing the end of the woods, Rufus took a short cut and deceived the boy, because he waited and came out right when he was running out, then grabbed him and and put cuffs on his arms. "You aren't getting away now, are you?" Rufus asked, amused when he struggled but was not able to get out.

Shain was very frustrated, he didn't want to go to jail, that place is scary! "Fuck you! You'll pay for this!" He all but spat. Rufus raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you use to getting captured and escaping?" Shain growled, "of course not, or else I wouldn't be running, idiot! I don't wanna go to that scary place!" Frustrated tears were stinging the edge of his eyes.

Rufus had an amused smile, "scary place? Do we know what this scary place is called, little guy?" Shain bit his lip, he knew that he must of sounded childish right then. He lowered his head, "I mean jail, Mr. Detetctive." "How do you know I'm not an undercover cop?" Rufus asked amused. "Because I have watched you." Those words actually somewhat chilled Rufus, knowing he was in a danger zone the entire time. He coughed, "why have you been spying on me?" Shain squeezed his eyes shut and decided to ignore his question.

Rufus sighed and started walking back to his car, once there, he opened the door to the backseats and put Shain in, buckling him in as well. He closed the door and got in the front driver's seat.

"So where are you taking me?" Shain asked, nervous. Rufus looked at him in the mirror he had near his head, "to my office. I have a mini jail there, where there are no big scary bad guys who would hurt a little guy like you." " I feel mocked," "don't be, I meant that I'm looking after you until we decide what to do with you." Rufus answered, watching traffic.

Rufus really wonders why Shain gives these vibes off, ones of being a scared little child, although he fucking murdered people?? Isn't that traumatizing enough? But maybe he needs some family love to correct his mind...?

Shain was really nervous and somewhat scared. He really didn't like being caught, he hated the feeling of judgement and pain. Emotional pain, even if he killed people. He was a scared child inside. No one ever loved him, so what was the difference?

One they got back to Rufus's office, he went to the backseat and unbuckled Shain, seeing him look like a scared child. He patted his head in a way to comfort him.

"It's gonna be okay, Shain, don't worry." Rufus said, feeling protective. Shain leaned into the touch, feeling something he never felt before. "What is it?" He ask Rufus with big, wide, baby innocent eyes. Rufus was taken aback, what does he mean by that and what is up with that look?

"What do you mean?" Rufus asks, confused, "What is this feeling? When you petted me? I felt so much like melting and crying and just letting go?" Shain said, confused. Rufus couldn't believe this sweetheart, his heart melted and fell for the boy more.

Rufus leaned forward and petted him again, "it's called comfort, love. To make you feel safe." He finished, grabbing Shain and going into his office. He let Shain stand there for a bit while he grabbed some things and then opened the door to the cell, it was small, and empty.

Shain looked at it with despise, it looked super lonely and super scary in there! He had a right to be scared! Rufus senses he was scared and gently pushed Shain into the cell. Once he was in, Rufus followed into the cell and started decorating it with soft things.

Shain was confused, the detective was putting up blankets, pillows, stuffies, pacifiers, board games, and sparkly decorations. In no time, it looked less scary and more soft. Rufus was just putting up and around the things his cute little niece had forgotten to take when she had visited a couple years ago. He has kept it since, but now he can use them for Shain's comfort. He looks at Shain and saw him relaxing. Good.

Shain quietly thanked Rufus and sat down on what would of been a hard bed, but now a soft one. "Why don't you get some rest? I'll question you and all that stuff after you take a little nap, okay little guy?" Rufus suggested. He saw Shain nod slowly and take one of the stuffies into his arms.

Shain couldn't help it, the stuffie was soft and comforting, something he never had before.

Rufus cooed at the sight. He went over and properly tucked Shain in and gave him a pacifier in case. He didn't seem to notice and dozed off immediately.

Rufus stood back up and decided to do some work. He exited the cell and locked it. He may be a small little guy, but he can still kill. But if he hears a cry, he's coming back instantly.

After a few hours of work, he decides to cook some food for him and the criminal, which he never got the name of. He went to check up on him and saw him sitting up, silently crying, scared. He immediately unlocked the cell and went to comfort the boy.

"Shhh, it's okay. I'm here now, you're safe. I didn't leave and would never leave you alone." 'Especially since you are a criminal', he thought. Shain hiccuped and nuzzled his shoulder, he felt shameful for being so vulnerable for a stupid reason.

Rufus has to decide to take this boy into his home or leave him here, but he's afraid he'll either pass out from fright of being alone locked up or piss his pants from being so scared...

He looks back at the scared little boy, seeing nothing but an innocent boy. He decides then and there to take him in for the night. He looks so exhausted and scared. He gently pulls him away a little bit and asks, "what is your name, little one?" Shain blushes from the nickname but looks down and says, "it's Shain...Yours?" "It's Rufus, detective Rufus." Rufus answers, petting Shain's head.

"Look, Shain, I see how scared you are to be locked up and alone, so if you promise to not kill me, you can come with me tonight to my house, but you won't be wondering around the house, unless you are with me, otherwise you'll stay in my bedroom." Rufus strictly tells Shain. Shain nods and agrees to behave.

After a few hours, it's time to pack up and go home. Rufus is a bit nervous, in all honesty. This is against the rules and it is dangerous, but he couldn't let the little guy alone. So he got up and started packing. Getting a bag ready for Shain as well, with comforting things for the trip.

After Rufus finishes packing things up, he goes to Shain's cell and sees him clutching a stuffie and a blanket. He smiles warmly. Shain is so cute. He doesn't want to wake him up, but he has to, so he makes his way over and opens the cell gently.

He immediately stops in his tracks when he hears Shain whimper, he almost melts when he sees one of his small hands reaching out for him subconsciously. He goes over to Shain and takes his hand, instantly Shain calms down and starts sucking on his stuffie's ears.

Rufus looks for one of the pacifiers that he had decorated the room with. Once spotted, he grabs it and gently replaces the ear with it. Rufus was about to die from how adorable he is. He gently picks up Rufus, making sure to have his blanket, stuffie and pacifier, then make his way over to his car.

He may get killed. Or he may end up with a baby. Who knows. But what he does know, is that this was the right decision and he wouldn't change it for the world, cause he loves this precious boy.

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