Three Soul Night

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Pete's POV


"Did our third soulmate just run off?" Ateer asks. I slowly nod. "Shit. He must have thought we were exclusive... But our souls were holding onto each other, how did he not figure we were all soulmates??" I ask. Ateer shrugs, "maybe he doesn't know soulmates is a thing in this world? Maybe he thought we were just a normal couple?" "Yeah...but he held onto me first thing we met. He must know it's not normal. I'm sure he didn't understand why he was hooked on me. I freaked out when he had a death grip on my arm! I realized in the car he was our soulmate."

Ateer laughs at me. "That explains why you have a soulmate mark on your arm. He really is the one we've been looking for..." "and the one we just lost. WHY AREN'T WE GOING AFTER HIM?!" "Um..."

We're idiots.

Rufus's POV

I'm so proud of myself. It only took 10 minutes for me and Keith to grab the dude and cuff him. And now we're walking the very long road back to the car...dang it.

I sigh for the third time. "Rufus, we caught the guy, don't complain about walking back, baby." I immediately look at Keith when he says "baby". He looks like a deer caught in headlights. We are quiet on our walk back.

Keith's POV

UGHHHH, WHY DID I DO THAT?! I misspoke. I meant to add big to that. Big baby, teasing his juvenile behavior. HNNNNNNNN. I blush hard. So stupid!

Rufus's POV

Okay, WHY WAS KEITH TOTALLY CUTE WHEN HE CALLED ME BABY?! Am I fanpersoning??? Ahhhh, he's always so cute, I can't—!

3rd POV

The three are knocked down like pinballs when a ball of sadness hits them. Literally.

"Owww, who the hell knocked into us?!" Rufus asks, getting up from the hard road. "I think I have amnesia!!"

Keith groans. "Rufus, stop being childish. The road is hard but it didn't crack your skull open, right?" "Well, there's blood..."


Keith's heart drops. "WHAT—?!"

"Oh wait, it's coming from the thief, nevermind. We're lucky he is unconscious. Though his weight will be even more heavy..." Rufus contemplates.

Keith facepalms, questioning why he even likes Rufus again. That big idiot. But wait, what did knock them over???

"Rufus, you stay here. I'm going to go see what hit us. I have a feeling it didn't go very far..." Keith says, wondering off before Rufus can reply.

Rufus looks at the unconscious thief with wide eyes...

"Don't...don't wake up...wrestler..." he says, praying Keith will be back before this giant kills him...

Keith's POV

I'm not sure what hit us entirely, but I briefly smelled Shain in that moment and I just feel he may have run off.

After a few moments, I conclude it was Shain after I find him crying in a bush.

"Aww baby, what's wrong? What happened?" I ask, kneeling down to his level and opening my arms. He jumps into my arms and continues crying. I hold him, figuring out he will say after he cries it out.

I hum and rock us while I wait. I do hear a few punches and screams in the distant. Hmm, I wonder what that is?? I shrug it off.



"....Pete. It's Pete. He has...a lover. And...I sort of like him... I don't know..." Shain says after a while, hiccuping a little. I rub his back. I did see Pete and Ateer sneaking moments with each other sometimes at the office. He's such an ass, how did he get lucky with Ateer?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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