For Pete's Sake

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Rufus's POV

I open the door and—no. I start closing it but a hand stops me.

3rd POV

"Rufus, I know it's late and I know you have a dinner date, but I need your help," Detective Pete says. Rufus raises an eyebrow. "How did you know about my dinner date?" Pete looks confused. "Everyone at the office knows. You and Keith make a great couple, for your job and yourselves. But that aside! We have chased down a thief that's only a few blocks down. For some stupid reason our car broke down at the same time and we knew you were close. Will you please let us borrow or even take us? I am so sorry for interrupting your night." Pete says genuinely.

Rufus can't say no. But he has a kid and friend over. When he looks back in their direction, both Shain and Keith are right behind him. He jumps.

"Oh my god, you guys!"

"Pete. What's the matter?" Keith asks. Pete repeats himself and Keith nods. "It'll be of no problem. Rufus, you can help a fellow workmate."

"But—" "Rufus, we can go. I don't mind," Shain says, still staring at Pete.

Something about Pete has caught Shain's eye ever since he saw him. He has no clue what, but he wants to find out more.

Rufus argues. "Shain, there will be a lot of people—" "only three people" Pete comments. "—and a thief to boot. You should stay here with Keith—" "no! I mean. I really want to go!" "Shain, this doesn't require so many people. It's better you stay here!"

Shain growls. He launches himself at Pete, holding onto his arm with a death grip. With a much deeper voice he says, "I'm. Going. Rufus."

Pete doesn't move but is freaking out on the inside. He feels if he makes a wrong move, he'll die!

Keith is shocked to see such a deadly presence. Shain's eyes even turned a different hue. What the—

Rufus is also shocked. He sees there is no way out though, so he has to comply. What a way to ruin the dinner, but he grabs his keys and coat, tossing Shain his coat. Keith grabs his things and they all get going.

They all get in the car, Rufus in the driver seat, Keith in the passenger seat, and Pete and Shain in the back. Luckily there is a second set of seats, so they will have room for two more.



It's quiet as Pete navigates Rufus where they need to go. Shain is quietly holding Pete's hand, figuring that keeping his arm in a death grip would not help.

Shain's POV

I've no idea what is happening. My body and mind just got took over by something. And even now, I can't get myself to entirely stop being weird. It seems my soul likes Pete, I guess. Dang, because Rufus has said how Pete can be an asshole a bit. I pout at that.

Pete squeezes my hand gently and pets my head. I look at him to see his face confused. Huehuehue, if I didn't see his face, would have thought he was doing it consciously. His soul is also holding onto me, just in a more chilled way.

Pete's POV



The reason why we're holding onto each other is because we're soulmates—

Shain's POV

"Yo. You two lovebirds back there, we have arrived— Pete, your partner looks like he's struggling! What the heck?! Why is this criminal a MACHO SIX PACK DUDE?!" Rufus exclaims, right when the criminal gets out of Pete's partner's hold.

Keith gets out of the car and quickly chases the criminal. Rufus gets out and follows. I get out with Pete and check on his partner, since he is lying on the road breathing hard.

"Ateer, are you okay?! That was one big dude." Ateer dude coughs. "Y...yeah, he was pretty hard to keep in my grip. Heheh." "Aw, babe," Pete says, kissing Ateer. My heart drops within a second, I drop Pete's hand. I step back from them.


Stupid me, thinking soulmates were real. Stupid me thinking souls were real. Freaking heck. I move away from them and start randomly walking away. I need to get away from this, from this pain!

I run away.

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