Keith Comes Over

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Rufus's POV

So I told Shain about Keith, my work partner, wanting to come over for dinner. Shain didn't seem very upset or scared at all, he actually seemed a bit eager. I really hope he wasn't putting up a front while having an internal heart attack. I told him if he's nervous, he shouldn't hide it because of something I want.

It's been a week now and Keith is coming over tonight. I have checked in several times everyday with Shain to make sure he is really comfortable with this idea still. He has reassured me everytime.

I'm still worried but there's no turning back. I'm prepared to deal with a sobbing boy locked in the bathroom.

Shain's POV

Rufus is in extra daddy mode. Like the dude won't understand that I am fine. I am perfectly aware of this K-Ke...uh. How to pronounce his name again? Whatever. I am aware this Keekee dude being another human like us. I'm not as scared as I was with his mom coming over.

I had reason to be scared back then. 1. I was new to everything he introduced me to a month ago, and 2. It was a total surprise visit! Come on, not my fault I did what my instincts told meeee.

But anyway, I am a tiny bit nervous. But only in the sense of anyone being nervous with a new person coming around, am I right??

So Rufus is still being a daddy about it, but tonight is the night and there is no turning back. If I react badly to it, I know he'll be there for me. So I'm ready, plus I know he wants this, so I'm giving it a shot for him. He deserves to do something for himself since he has given me life.

Keith's POV

Okay, I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit to a lot nervous! Like yeah, I forced the idea on him, but I didn't think it would happen. And even if it did, which it did, I was ready for it. I'm just nervous because 1. Dinner with Rufus. 2. Needing to have a great first impression on his kid. 3. Not having this be a bad night for any of us. So yes, I'm a bit nervous.

Yeah yeah, I like Rufus a little...a lot. Ever since we partnered up years ago, I've always been impressed with him, his work, his dedication. I want to be like him. He's like my idol. But he is such a kind man. I can't help but fall for him as he does so much for everyone and me included.

Like once, I was sick. I called in sick. I was going to go in the next day or next few days if my illness persists. But Rufus went out of his way to come over and keep me company. He made food for me and kept the house cleaned. I was sick for a few more days, so he came over everyday. I told him he would catch my illness. Of course he didn't care at all.

The funny part? After I got better, he got sick! So yeah, the dude is pretty hilarious. But I repaid his kindness by doing the same he did to me. He is a stubborn buck and insisted everyday that I don't. He even tried to lock me out of the house once, but I still got in.

So there is a lot to why I like him, plus his super handsome features.

3rd POV

Rufus was getting everything prepared for dinner while Shain got dressed and cleaned up whatever was left to make the house look clean.

"Shain, are you sure you aren't scared—?" There is a sigh heard from the living room. "Yes, I'm sure. Rufus, this is the last time you're asking, because I promise you I'm completely and perfectly okay," Shain replies. Rufus feels small arms go around his waist from behind. "Of course I'm a little nervous as anyone meeting a new person, but you're here and I'll be okay, alright?" Rufus chuckles.

"Alright alright, baby. I got it. I'll trust your word. Thank you for doing this for me," Rufus says, stirring the pot of soup. Shain hums against his back. "It's the least I can do for you, daddy~" With that said, Shain leaves to another room.

Rufus tries not to choke. That kid will give him a heart attack one of these days!

Once Rufus gets all the food done and on the table, he calls for Shain to finish up and come and sit. Just as Shain was walking through the entryway to the dining room, the door bell rang.

"Shain, I'll get that, so sit down and relax—" but before he could finish, Shain had already got the door...

"Hi, Ruf....Shang?" Keith asks, confused. Shain takes a minute to answer... "Keekee?"

Rufus facepalms because they both got each other's names totally wrong.

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