Shain and Rufus

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3rd POV

It's been a month since Rufus took Shain in, and everything is well. Shain decided to not be a criminal anymore and to learn the ways of being more civil and well mannered, by the help of Rufus.

Rufus has been having a great time. Not only is he helping someone be better, but now he isn't as alone...and he has a cleaner for when he goes to work.

"Shain! I'm going to work now. Make sure you practice your reading exercises, write me a letter, and call me on my lunch break, unless I text you otherwise, okay?! I'll help you with what you struggle with when I get home." Rufus says, hurrying to make sure he has his things in order before he leaves.

Shain enters the room and smiles. "Yeah, I got it. And I'll clean up the place like usual too. Thank you again. You really don't have to do all this. After all, I'm not exactly young but yet my IQ is at the level of a neglected child. It's pretty pitiful," he says, leaning into Rufus. Rufus pauses what he was doing and hugs Shain.

"It's not a problem for me. I like coming home to a clean house and to helping my friend with their learning. Yes, I am tired by then, but spending time with you relaxes me, okay?" Rufus replies, kissing Shain's head. Shain blushes.

Rufus chuckles and gets his brief case together. "Alright, kiddo! I have to go now. I know you'll be on your best behavior and call if something happens!" He says, walking to the door after a quick hug. Shain follows and opens the door for Rufus. "Yes, daddy~"

"—thing should be easy today—WHAT—!!" The door closes on Rufus. Rufus is tempted to go right back but he knows he will be late if he does. "Some of a...whatever. I need to go." He gets into his car and leaves for work.

Shain's POV

Oh my god! I can't stop laughing! His reaction! "Shoot, shoot, shoot! Can't breathe!" I start panting as I try to get more air. That was too funny!

Man, if only he knew how much of a daddy he really is. He got me to feel so young the night he caught me. I was so overwhelmed.

Since he got me a phone and got me connected to the WiFi, I have been researching into whatever that young feeling is. I have found out it's like a regression thing, where you go into a younger headspace. It makes sense since I was so tired and overwhelmed and scared. And I never got to have a normal childhood too, so yeah.

But I can't tell Rufus that regression seems to help my anxiety and depression, because he will think I'm weird, right?!

Not like he doesn't already act like a daddy anyway. I sort of wish he could act like how he did a month ago. Now he treats me like a 10-15 year old. Such a shame, though I am learning things now.

I never really learned much of basic school learning stuff, so he is currently helping me learn how to read, write and speak. That's why he told me to call him at lunch break, because he wants me to get better with speaking from a phone and then when he gets home, we spend an hour or two talking, pronunciation and stuff.

He does so much, I'm surprised he isn't dying. Like, being a detective is like tiring from what I heard. You would think he would have odd hours but for some reason he has hours of like a business man. Work from 6 am to 4 pm. I think that's right??? I also have trouble with time. I pout.

Maybe he's a desk jockey? Whatever that is.

I decide to start getting to work on stuff, but not without grabbing my stuffie and pacifier that Rufus gave me from a month ago. I sure hope he never noticed the fact that I kept them...

Rufus's POV

Man, work is stupid like usual. I just got a bit of a break time. "I hate work," I grumble out.

"Can ya get me a soda from the vending machine while you're on your break, Detective Rufus?" Detective Pete calls out. I sigh. "Sure, Pete." "That's detective Pete to you!" "Not really," I leave before he starts blabbering again.

As I walk around, I start thinking of Shain.

I feel he doesn't notice the fact I know he likes to be younger. He kept the items I gave him a month ago, and I see him use them sometimes. I know about regression and figured that it's his way of coping with things like anxiety and stress.

He hasn't regressed since a month ago, but I can tell that sometimes he wants to slip into it. What makes me sad is that he thinks I won't understand or be accepting of it. I mean, I was there when he was in his headspace, so how did he get that idea??

"Human brains are weird," I mumble out.

"I mean, they're pink and look like noodles clumped up together—" I roll my eyes. "Oh thank you so much, Keith. Now I'll never eat noodles again!" I exclaim to Detective Keith, my partner when we go on cases.

Keith just laughs and puts his arm around my shoulders. "Hahaha, Rufus, you need to relax. No one thinks that, you know." I give him the dirty look, "apparently you do, and I am now a victim to that thought. Thank you so much!" I put my hands in the air in an exaggerated manner.

"Well, you aren't stressing out now though, so I did my job!" He gives a thumbs up. I just stare at him.

He smiles and pats my shoulder. "So how is the kid?" He asks. "He's well. He has improved a lot since a month ago." "Oh my god! That's so great! Please, will you invite me to dinner?! I really want to meet him!" He gives the please gesture with his hands together. He tries to go for the puppy look but fails, like usual.

"You've been asking that every day since you found out about him. And I've said no because he is still sensitive to other humans he doesn't trust." I cross my arms. Keith pouts. "He isn't going to put a gun to my head the minute he sees me, because you don't let him be near weapons." "True, but I don't want to deal with a sobbing boy who would lock himself in the bathroom for who knows how long until he feels safe—" "wait what? What happened?!" Keith asks, now very curious.

"Ehhh, well, my mother unexpectedly came at an early time last month and Shain got super scared and locked himself in the bathroom. I'm sure he has gotten better about other people by now but he is still fragile. So I just want to be careful." Keith nods in understanding

"But as you are teaching him how to survive right now... I think slowly introducing him to others, the outside world, away from your house, will help him a lot. He needs this in order to learn and grow. The outside world he knows is death and murder, but now that he is not a criminal anymore, he needs to see the nicer part of the world, you understand, Rufus? He has only known the disgusting part of the world." Keith explains. I nod. That is true. I've just been withholding it a bit... I know he needs to see how nice the world is, nature and beauty. I guess I just don't want him to get hurt again...

"Rufus, it'll be okay, don't worry. If you introduce me to him and we spend time together a lot, I can help out with him and being outside, okay? I want to help him, be apart of his new life. Please."

I sigh. It would be nice to have someone else help out once in a while...

"Alright, Keith. I'll do it, but I'm gonna prepare him a week early, okay? I'll let you know when you can come over for dinner." Keith smiles and cheers, "yEeeEssSS!" I shake my head at him.

I get that soda for Pete and head back. I really do hope Keith can help out and Shain accepts him. It would be really nice. I'll have to confront him about being Little again soon, because I know that will help him a lot in getting better.

I'll do whatever I can to help him get better.

(I'm not too big on the idea of continuing this book like the others, so if I do continue it, it won't last long or I will not focus on updating it as much.)

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