Chapter 7

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*in the bathroom*

I didn't want to be near Danielle. She was my best friend and all but I just didn't want to be near her. I can't assume that she told her, so I need to ask her first.

Jordan- d-did you t-tell Trinity that my mom passed away? *sobbing*
Danielle- no! I would never do that!
Jordan- t-then who did?
Danielle- I don't know.... Wait! I think I know who did!!
Jordan- who? Tell me!
Danielle- remember how we were in your room talking about your mom while cameron was in your bathroom...
Jordan- yeah?....
Danielle- Maybe he was listening to our conversation!!!
Jordan- oh hell nah!!

Trinity and her "squad" came in the bathroom.

Trinity- ew it's that stupid bitch!

They all pinched their nose.

Trinity's friend also Matthew's GF Emma- ew it smells like rotten eggs!

She was referring to me! How rude! I would so bitch slap her right now!

Trinity's other friend also Taylor's GF Sierra- I know right?!

Before I can start punching, Danielle grabbed my arm and took me out of the bathroom. I can hear the rats laugh.

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