Chapter 16

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*Cameron's POV*

I hope this date go well. I think I should take her out on a picnic at the park. I already have the sandwiches ready. I packed the sandwiches, chips, sodas, and strawberries. I hope she will like this.

*Text convo*

Cameron- wear something that you would wear at the park!
Jordan- ok:)
Cameron- I would pick you up in about 10 mins!
Jordan- ight!

*text convo ended*

*Jordan's POV*

I put on a crop top with blue and white strips with some above the knee shorts and finally with some black and blue Jordan's.

I can't wait till he comes. This date has to be good. I felt my phone vibrate from the back pocket of my shorts.

*Text Convo*

Cameron- I'm outside;)
Jordan- ok I'm on my way out! Should I bring something?
Cameron- uh... Do you have a soccer ball?
Jordan- yup!
Cameron- bring it please!
Jordan- kk

*text convo ended*

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