Crystal Gem Costumes!

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Question: Guys! What costumes are you wearing for Halloween?! (HernanHernandez323)

Steven: *Tugs on costume* Oh! I'm wearing a falcon costume.. I'm dressing up as Archimicarus from Unfamiliar Familiar! And Connie is dressing up as Lisa!

Connie: *Shows off Lisa's red cape then giggles* Hi!

Pearl: Well I'm not dressed up but if I was I would be a.. hmm.. *Thinking*

Amethyst: How about a nerd P! *Bursts out laughing, falls over*

Pearl: No!! It would be more sophisticated.. Like a teacher or maybe a mythological fairy...

Ame: *Still laughing* Yeah, your still a nerd... What I want to be is a Werewolf! They are strong and so cool under the full moon! Steven! Connie! Check this out! *Shapeshifts into a werewolf and howls.. Makes the kids laugh*

Pearl: Hmph! *Turns to Garnet* Garnet what do you want to be?

Garnet: Myself...

Pearl: O-kay... Peridot, Lapis do you have any ideas?

Peridot: *Brags* I'm the most perfect Percy and Lapis is Peir! Pumpkin is.. Pumpkin!

Lapis: Hey...

Pumpkin: Ruff! Ruff!!

Bismuth: *Shakes head and warps to her Forge*

Pearl: Well I guess everyone is ready.. Come on kids, let's take you Trick or Treating or whatever it is called... *Motions Connie and Steven out of the house.. Everyone else follows*

Connie and Steven: TRICK OR TREAT!!!! Don't forget to Ask or Dare!!!!

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