The Diamond's Hallowen (Very Late)

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(I'm so very sorry I haven't got around to this one yet but please don't be too mad, but after I finish this request, I'll be taking in Christmas Ask or Dares, until New Years! Again I'm so sorry!)

Question: Hey Diamond's! Have you ever went Trick or Treating before?!

White: Uhhhh....

Yellow: *Looks confused* What?

Blue: I never heard of Trick or Treating before but it sounds very interesting...

White: Is it a Earth holiday of some sort?

Blue: We can ask Steven...

Steven: Guys I'm right here.. And It's actually called Halloween.. People like to dress up as whatever they want to and they just go around to houses, trick or treating for candy and other sweet treats... But we will have to wait until next year because it's only on October 31!

White: *Sigh* What a shame...

Blue: *Reasures White* We can still plan for it.. Right Steven?

Steven: *Nods*

Yellow: Then it's settled, by next Halloween we will try out this tradition!

Steven: I'm glad you guys are warming up to the whole Earthly ways... Even though Hallween has passed, there is still a holiday that is coming up but I'll just let you guys sit on this one... *Walks back to the warppad*

Still Steven: Hope you all have a safe and wonderful Winter Holidays!! Stay warm and Please don't forget to Ask or Dare! Especially Christmas requests!!! Bye!!!! *Holds up peace sign*

Requested by: ___Faded___ (Again I'm so sorry for the very late delay.. Hope you enjoyed it though!!)

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