The charcoal incident

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Another reason why I'm misrable is of bullying, yes it is cliche but it's true, I was bullied but these people, one girl and two boys, they usually annoyed me in class until like I was in tears,. They called me a giraffe and took my things, they also made fun of me and spread rumours. The reason the title is the charcoal incident is because of a unfortunate camp

I go to scouts and usually they go camping. I love it, especially working with fire and pioneering. One time at camp, we were cooking food over a fire while we were making firewood, the camp leader was supervising, when it was time for food, we took out things into the mess tent and out them on our plates. Mines was burnt. Everyone at the table was roaring with laughter, saying "it's charcoal!" The camp leader told them to stop so many times but they didn't, it still happens  in school...

That's enough for today

Over and out!


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