y/n info

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Y/n=your name duh


you're half human half wolf, therefore you can spend forever with Decim if wanted.
You committed suicide. You're going to end up giving Decim emotions. The main girl character doesn't exist, that is now you expect male.

Looks: whatever you look like and glasses, right eye fav color, bangs over right eye

Likes: manga, his mom, smoking, wolfs, wine, video games, blood, dogs, people, sweets, kids, toys, death, hell, anime dweebs,          collars, helping

Dislikes: cats, wolf predators, living, love, showing emotion, healthy food, Bakugo from bnha, people being mad at him, sleeping outside

Hates: his step dad, beer, the bakudeku ship, not having his phone, his wolf form, not being able to transform into fully human form, himself,inpatient people, hot headed people, mysterious people, most people, showing emotion, perverts

Loves: anime, anime pillows, yaoi, yuri, Shoto from bnha, mother, his necklace, siblings, cousins, his bracelet, his dad,
soon Decim

Job: N/A, he makes money by  the food recipes he makes
Reason: family is poor so he didn't go to school

Personally: he's the I don't give a fuck kind of guy, super responsible, will fight if somebody wants to, refuses to hit a kid, loves the site of blood, Bipolar, lazy, takes care of others, hides his real emotions like

Madness (not anger, you'll understand later)
Happieness (sometimes)
His silliness
Disgusted emotion

All live in 1 house

Him (oldest child)

Mom (dead)

Step dad

Siblings: 0

Half siblings: 4

Step siblings: 1

Cousins: 2

Aunts: 2 (dead)

Uncles: 1 (dead)

Step uncles: 1 (dead)

Step aunts: 1 (dead)

T^T: 1 dead step mom
1 dead dad

Fav color: blood red

Lives: wherever you live   >(y/l)<, but moved to japan

His necklace was given to him by his mom

His bracelet was given to him by his dad

Can't see without glasses  

Has enough money to buy his own but wants to stay with his siblings 

Emotions (Decim x male reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن