death ch.1

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Warning, death & long chapter

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Warning, death & long chapter



I'm home!!!!!

The eldest, your step brother came running running to the door.

"Good afternoon, Y/N-kun!!!! Everyone is asleep right now."

Your stepbrother came in his cute dinosaur onesie. You're a month younger, so me and him were the closest.

"Even Sandra?"

Sandra is like an vampire, our mortal enemies. This girl stays awake for two weeks and passes out for a day. How can she stay up so long? Not to mention she's super lazy, except on her missions that is.

"I.. um.... I think she went out again."

"Oh god, let's pray she stays safe"

"I already did"

"Good, who is her target anyways?"

"Who knows? Her life is supposed to be secret anyway. She only told us because we're the oldest."

"What about Breanna?"

Breanna is a brat I'll admit, but that's my fault. I spoiled her too much. She was my first child, like my first time. No, wait. Let me explain better. Mom died after Daichi, so I had to take care of them. Thanks to step father I had to raise them myself. Brebre was my first try, as mama was always at work. Kazue was the second try. She ended up lazy and bratty, because Sandra and Breanna was the closest to her. Then Daichi, the last one. Hes ended up bratty but responsible. Closest to me and Sandra. Sandra never let me take care of her, she ended up lazy but responsible, and dorky yet almost emotionless. She was close to me, but she was the one who took care of me, everyone else too. She's like the mother in the family, too bad I couldn't be like a dad to them. Instead that bastord Whoa is, I mean stepfather. Sandra raised herself I guess.

"The first to sleep."

"As expected, what about Daichi and Kazue?"

"Daichi-kun feel asleep after dinner, and Kazue-chan feel asleep a few minutes later."

"You had dinner in the afternoon?"

Why didn't they call me? They could have used the house phone! Or the one Sandra bought herself.

"We don't have much food, and didn't want to anger father.."

"You could have called me.."

"Father kept the phone hostage."

"I'll buy you a phone then."

"But, I don't want to trouble you!!"

"Then use Sandra's phone."

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