ch.4 Sadness and confusion

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I stood behind him. I watched and listened to everything. His speech about how this is a bar, and how they cannot leave without playing a game. I watched as they panicked once they found out they actually couldn't leave. I listened as Decim explainded the game. I watched the disbelief on there faces. I listened and watched as decim gave an example. He asked them truth or dare. Monica picked truth. A green circle was above her head for a few seconds. Then Decim did the same to Brianna. She picked dare. I listened to decim tell her to smack Monica. She refused. But suddenly she did it anyway. I listened to decim explain, she didn't have a choice. And that's how the game worked. I watched the panic run over there faces.

So a game of goreie truth or dare? I wonder what part I take in this.

"Truth or dare, babe."

"Truth. Truth can't be that bad right? Heh heh."

So the two girls are together? how did they die, anyway?

"Is it true that you will love our baby?"

A baby? But they're both female.. cheating? Or adoption? Or something else?

"Ofcourse I will.."

A green circle appeared above her. What guru guru kinda shit is this? What's up the the shapes? I have all kinds of questions right now.

"Truth or dare, m'love?"

Solves my are they together question. Then again could be just a booty call buddy. But the child though.. yeah, probably together. Hopefully.

"Truth or dare, Monica?"

"Truth. Just as you said it's probably the safer option."

"Have you ever cheated on me?"

"If you mean, hacking with you on a game, yeah. Other than that, never."

Ding ding, the green circle appeared again.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare this time I guess."

"I dare you to gimmie affection."

She kissed her on a cheek and giggled.

"Your so childish."

"So are you!"

"Truth, yet again."

"Do you love me, Monica?"

You get the gist by now.

"Ofcourse I do~ Truth or dare?"


"Do you love me, Brianna?"

"Duh. Ofcourse I love you."

Then, a red ex appeared above her. It was like the green o above them ment they were telling the truth, so the red x had to mean a lie. Not only that, it looked like the air had cut her arm. If only for a second, I could see a poff of wind heading for her arm. Then it cut her. The cut was in the shape of an x. Her arm was bleeding. The blood red driped onto the floor, just as did mine awhile ago. It fell off both sides if the arm. Her blood was a little thick.

Poor carpet. Why the hell did she decide to bleed on the carpet? Doesn't she know how hard it is to get out blood stains? Wait, this isn't the time to be thinking about that. What the actual fuck just happened?

Is this my new job.. on the nonexistence of God I love it here.

"Ah ah ah, no lieing, Brianna." I said calmly, while she screamed in pain and her so called love gasped in confusion, hurt, and anger. Dicem nodded. Guess my hypotheses were correct.

"What the hell! I wasn't even lieing!"

Yet again the wind I saw before yeeted itself towards Brianna. It wasn't an ex this time. Instead it slowly created an s.. then an to.. then a p.. li.... and then an n.. and a g.

S t o p l i e i n g

was engraved on her arm, like a tattoo, but in blood. I almost laughed, as she screamed in agony. Why this was funny? I don't know. Probably just in the Bill Cipher mode.

Dicem looked at me, his eyes In confusion. His lines up lips in a frown. I could tell on his face, he was trying to ask me, what the hell? Why are you laughing? What's with you..? Probably.. I glanced to the floor in response. Not like I chose to act like this. I should really get my shit together.

"Now now, what did I say about lieing?"

"You need to stop this! What's going on?! What do you mean she's li-! Lie... lieing.." there was a pause for an moment. Then suddenly some kinda flashback appeared. It wasn't mine, no, it was Monica's.

The room was dark but I could still see. The was a couch to the right, a table to the left. A pupple TV filled my view. Looks like Monica was playing a game. Minecraft. The brown floor board was unsteady, and was probably recently cleaned. A knife was on the table. It was next to a pice of toast and crumbs. Weird. Just, weird. What's going on? Why am I having her vision thingie..this is all too confusing. And kinda complicated. And green walls? Why green? It definitely doesn't go with the tiger striped carpet. These people have no since of fashion. Noises were heard upstairs. Sounded like things were breaking, and walls being punched, huffs and puffs, yelling. Monica immediately put her controller down. She ran upstairs.. it was- wa-wait! What?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??????

A/n: srry for the short chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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