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Couriers POV

I was walking back to Goodsprings to reunite with my team and to help it get up and running by getting rid of a Cazadore nest, north of the town, so the business can begin again. ED-E and Rex are always with me, that was until I heard a loud squeal. I immediately held out the Mysterious Magnum and ran towards the squealing and I saw a fairly large group being surrounded by Powder gangers. A lot of them are girls, some were armed but a lot of them were huddled up. The Males were protecting the girls but couldn't do much.

"Once we kill you guys, we will take the girls and keep them as Playthings then use you as slaves" A Powder ganger smirked.

"LIKE HELL" The Brown-haired boy yelled and flicked out his hand but nothing happened. "Wheres my Sacred Gear?!" He yelled before being punched in the face.

"HAHA! These guys are weak" The powder ganger chuckled. Then I decided to step in.

"Well, well, well. I knew I should've destroyed your damn prison when I had the chance" I said walking over wearing my NCR Ranger suit twirling my Magnum around.

"Ah, shit, its the courier," A powder ganger said.

"What's he doing back. Last I heard he was fighting in the war for hoover damn" another one said holding his 9mm tightly.

"there's 8 of you and I only have 6 bullets. So you guys have to share" I smirked and entered VATS and tagged all the powder gangers and locked onto their heads and I pulled the trigger. The bullets hit their marks, most of them blowing their heads into chucks and the bullet went into the others head. I smirked and spun the gun around my finger and put it in my belt.

I then look at the group who was relived.

"I take it you are new here. Some sort of Teleported from another dimension or some shit like that?" I asked and they nod.

"Well, welcome to the Mojave Wasteland in the year 2281. You are currently in America, New Vegas actually" I said and they were shocked.

"Are you aware of the supernatural and how did you kill with no remorse?" The Red-haired male asked

"Its kill or be killed out here. But I know a place that can use all the help they can get and its a way to prepare for the harsh waste of the Mojave Desert" I said.

"Mr Courier... How old are you? and is it true that you were in a war?" A blonde-haired girl asked as she wore what? A Nun outfit? Man, these guys must have come from a place where there was no war or any sorts.

"I am only 18 but yes, I have been in wars," I said and started to explain what I have done throughout the waste. I havent told them about the dangerous places I've gone such as the Sierra Madre Casino, Zion National Park, Big MT ruins, and the Lonesome Roads. I only told them of what happened here as we walked towards Goodsprings. "My buddy Storyteller will tell you more," I said

"Would you have any idea why we can't use our powers?" the Red-haired girl asked

"New dimension, new logic and dimension-hopping can do that," I said as we walked

"Have you ever dimension travelled?" A brown-haired male asked.

"Nope but a random guy appears and disappears through a portal every now and again. I've started calling him Admin since he sometimes tells me about future events as if it's planned by him" I said and they looked confused

(*Silently stabs an Action figure of the Courier*)

I smile and arrived at Goodsprings and was immediately welcomed by the locals as well as a caravan. Most of the teenagers screamed when they saw the brahmans and the bighorns. I just laughed.

Highschool DXD x Courier OC (Fallout New Vegas x Highschool DXD Cross over)Where stories live. Discover now