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"San," The blonde calls from the kitchen, "Have you seen the my prenatal meds?!"

"You left them in the bathroom," the black haired man named San smiles, appearing in the kitchen with three different bottles for the seven month pregnant male, "Youngie you really need to keep them in one place for our son's sake."

The blonde, Wooyoung, smiles and takes the bottles, "Thank you baby," he leans up and connects their lips in a small passionate kiss. They hum happily, a hand placed itself on the baby bump and felt as the baby kicks wildly.

Wooyoung giggles, pulling away from the kiss to smile at his husband then places his hand by San's, "Hi baby, we know you're here."

"He likes attention," San chuckles, kissing Wooyoung's forehead.

They've been together for five years, dating for four and married for one. Right after they got married, they instantly got pregnant, they've talked for a while about having a family and wanted to start one as soon as they got married. Wooyoung is the love of San's life, and San is the love of Wooyoung's.

And in just a couple of months, they'll be welcoming their son into this crazy world.

Wooyoung notices the bag by the doorway and felt his chest tighten, "Station?"

San sighs in defeat, he had hoped Wooyoung didn't notice, "I need to pop in to see how everything is and to pick up my reports," he smiles softly, "I won't be long."

"The last time you said that you ended up having to go put out a house fire," Wooyoung whines a little, pouting, "And you came back smelling like smoke even after having a shower at the station."

"I swear, all I'm doing is popping in and seeing what's going on," San holds his hands up, "I promise."

"Choi San," Wooyoung spoke low in a warning tone, "I swear to god if you end up going out I'm gonna kill you."

San laughs softly, cupping Wooyoung's face in his hands and pressing their lips together once more in a soft and gentle peck. When he pulls away he strokes Wooyoung's cheeks softly with the pads of his thumbs, "I promise, I'll be home. I won't risk it for my son's sake."

Wooyoung smiles, "In and out?"

"In and out," San confirms, nuzzling their noses together and grabbing his bag, "Plus chief said I still need to fill out a few sheets of paperwork for when I go on paternity leave."

He turns to leave, Wooyoung crosses his arms as he watches him leave, "I love you! Be careful!"

"Love you three thousand," San smiles back at him, his dimples expose themselves as he shuts the front door softly.

Wooyoung sighs, cupping his belly and looking down at it with a pout, "Well baby, what should we make for dinner?"


San pulls into the fire station, seeing the men playing basketball outside. The ball rolls away from those playing, San catches it before it rolled too far away and tossed it back to them. He waves to them before heading into the station, straight to the chief's office.

He knocks twice and waits a couple seconds before entering the room, seeing the chief wasn't in there. His file was on the desk though, probably for paternity leave. San hums, grabbing the folder and opening it up to confirm these are the papers he needed to finish. He sits in the chairs and grabs a pen, finishing up the paper work.

"San?" A deep and husky voice calls from the doorway.

San looks up, "Hey Chief, I just stopped by to finish this up and check out everything."

"Oh okay," the chief chuckles, taking a sip of his coffee, "Wooyoung is only seven months pregnant isn't he?"

"Yeah, but I'd like to get these done and ready before the baby comes so I don't have to worry about it when he does come," San smelt the faint smell of cigarette smoke and arches his eyebrow, "Thought you were trying to quit?"

"Yeah," the chief sighs, "I started back up after doing the monthly report-"

Suddenly, sirens and bells started going off and the chief curses, setting his coffee cup on the desk and running out to the trucks, "All units! Everyone get dressed!"

San curses and follows, the chief throws him his gear, "We need you San hurry!"

San thought about Wooyoung's words, he won't be happy. But this was his job. Wooyoung will understand... won't he?

It took less than two minutes for all the firefighters and the chief to get dressed into their gear and get on the road. A huge house fire was going on down town. It was going to take all units and maybe even neighboring to get this fire out.

San sprinted into action, running to help hook up the fire hoses and doing head counts for the apartment residents. That is until the captain sends out a command for two or three firefighters to go to the house and create an escape route for those trapped inside still.

San and a few other fire fighters began taking fire axes and chopping at the siding of the house and door, making an exit point just in case someone is trapped. When there was an opening, San and the others squeeze through and check what they can reach.

The heat was unbearable. San felt as if he was melting in his fire suit and the smoke was horrifically crowding him. Luckily he had oxygen hooked up to his mask to provide clean air, but its only enough to do a quick rescue.

"San!" A fellow crew member shouts through his mask, "We got everyone we need to leave!"

"You go ahead! I'm going to recheck the main floor!" San shouts back, gesturing to the escape route. He hears moaning and groaning of the burning boards above them and looks up, seeing the flames engulfing the ceiling like paper. He thought better of it and pushes the crew member out, he squeezed out first safely.

San was just about to make his escape when the ceiling caved and crashed around the escape route, blocking San inside the burning building. He backs away from the fire roaring at the entrance, squinting at the heat as he is now surrounded and can't find a way out.

He grabs the necklace around his neck, pulling it out of his shirt and looking at it. The medal locket had a photo of Wooyoung and him inside of it on one side, and an ultra sound of their son on the other. The outside of the locket had "The Choi's" engraved in elegant font, it flashed at him in the fire light. Wooyoung has a matching one and they had one made for their son when they found out Wooyoung was pregnant. His lip wobbled as he fell to his knees, kissing the locket and letting the flames around him engulf him along with the rest of the building.


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