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Wooyoung brushes his hair back as he got ready for his date with his stranger. Yunho and Mingi were the only ones who knew about it, Wooyoung lost the confidence to tell anyone other than those two anything.

As for Yeosang and Hongjoong, he's not called and talked to them, nor has he even tried to go over and see Juno. He really wanted to, it aches his heart not to go over there, but he knows when he's not welcomed and he didn't want to make Yeosang any more uncomfortable.

His phone buzzed with new messages from the stranger, he was very excited to meet Wooyoung and Wooyoung can say he's excited to see him as well. They made plans for the past week trying to go out to see one another, to which Wooyoung danced around until finally he fought the fear in the back of his mind and accepted the date.

"Well don't you look handsome," a voice calls from behind him and he turns to see Seonghwa and Harper.

He smiles, "Hey guys!" He holds his arms open, "Come here baby girl!"

Harper giggles, wiggling for her daddy to put her down and once he did she runs to his waiting arms. Wooyoung holds her close and smiles at her French braided pigtails, "Your hair is so cute, did daddy do it?"

"No," she giggles, "Mommy did."

"Mommy did!" Wooyoung gasps, "It's pretty, she did a good job!"

"What do you say Harper?" Seonghwa spoke up, a smile on his proud face.

"Thank you," she said shyly, hugging Wooyoung and kissing his cheek.

"What are you guys doing here?" Wooyoung asks, standing while holding Harper on his hip.

"Well, Yunho told us you had a date and I wanted to come over to see if you need anything," Seonghwa smirks.

Wooyoung snorts, "I'm good thanks, I don't think it's going to progress into more than a first date."

"Whatever you say noob," Seonghwa laughs, "and... I also heard about what happened with Yeosang."

Wooyoung shakes his head, "It's no big deal."


"I'm fine, really," Wooyoung shrugs, "Yeosang is right. He's not my baby anymore and the way I was coming off made it seem as I was taking him away from them. I would never... but they didn't know that..."

Seonghwa sighs, running a hand through his black hair, "Well... no matter what happens if you need someone, don't hesitate to call me or Allison. Or Yunho and Mingi. We care about you Woo, and we don't want to see you sad anymore. We want you happy and we want you to move on. It's not going to be easy, but we're here to help every step of the way."

Wooyoung nods, Harper wiggles before he lets her down, "Daddy I hungry."

"You're hungry? Well how about we go get some lunch with mommy? She's at work and she'll be surprised to see us," Seonghwa smiles down at her before looking up at Wooyoung, "Call me if you need anything okay? If something happens tonight and you need someone, don't hesitate to call."

Wooyoung nods, "Thanks Hwa."

"No problem," Seonghwa smiles, taking Harper's hand, "Come on baby girl, say bye to Uncle Youngie."

"Bye bye Uncle Youngie!" She waves adorably, her blue eyes shining as she swings Seonghwa's hand back and forth.

"Bye sweetie, be a good girl okay?"

"I always good!" Harper announces as she skips to the door, "daddy go!"

"Okay okay," Seonghwa laughs, waving to Wooyoung before they exit the house.

Wooyoung sighs, hearing his phone buzz and quickly answers it. It was a message from stranger, telling Wooyoung he was heading to the restaurant and to find him carrying a single pink rose. Wooyoung takes in a deep breath and grabs his keys, heading to the door to leave for his date with the unknown man.


When he arrives to the restaurant, he searches for someone with a single pink rose. Considering everyone was dressed nicely and a lot of the men were carrying flowers, it was hard to find a single pink rose in the mix of it all.

"Can I help you sir?" A waiter asks as he gives Wooyoung a polite smile.

"Uhm, I-I'm looking for my date, sorry," Wooyoung bashfully looks away, back to searching.

"Do you happen to know what he or she looks like?" The waiter suggests, "I can maybe help."

"Uh," Wooyoung bites his lip, "Is there anyone with a single pink rose here?"

The waiter's eyes light up, "Yes, he's actually sitting in the very back away from everyone. I'll escort you there."

"Thank you," Wooyoung nods and follows him, they weave through the crowd and dodge waiters and waitresses as they fly by carrying trays of drinks and food. Wooyoung wasn't even paying attention to his surroundings at this point, he was more focused on finding his date and getting this over with.

His stomach felt like it was cramping up and his anxiety started to peek, leaving him feeling nauseous and suddenly wishing he didn't come here. No, you can do this. Don't be such a pussy. San would want you to do this for yourself.

The waiter stops in a doorway and gestures to the secluded room, "Here we are sir."

Wooyoung looks around the crowd, not seeing any flowers that catch his eye. Until he sees a pink rose laying on a table. Wooyoung could hardly see the face of the owner of the rose, but he can see the back of his head and he must say the hair looks soft and fluffy. He wondered what it felt like to run his hand through that soft hair...

He shakes his head snapping himself out of it before turning to the waiter, "Thank you very much."

"It's my pleasure," the waiter smiles politely, "A server will be with you momentarily to take your drink order."

Wooyoung nods and heads towards the table, pulling out his phone to read the stranger's name one more time in his head and making sure his voice was strong before he stops behind him. He clears his throat, "Excuse me," his voice spoke up softly and he winces, shaking it off before speaking up louder, "Are you StrongArms20?"

The man turns his head slightly, picking up the pink rose and turning to face Wooyoung. The blonde's eyes widen when he sees the face of the stranger he's been talking to for months, the stranger in return was surprised as he faces Wooyoung.

"J-Jongho?" Wooyoung asks, shock settling in his bones and made him suddenly feel as if he weighed a hundred pounds.

"Wooyoung!" Jongho spoke up in surprise as well.

This was going to be an eventful evening.


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