Part 1

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Archaeology... what can I say about it? It's basically going into the dirt and seeing if you find something ancient. Although there was one thing I wouldn't expect to do in all my life. That one thing? Having to find the man of archaeology himself, Indiana Jones. I never expected to meet him, let alone come across him! But, my friend and I were able to do it, even if it seemed that the odds were against us at points. I will tell you my story about the search for Indiana Jones.

It all started at my high school, in World History class. The topic of the day was on the Crusades. We had just finished studying them and were working on a worksheet for the section. Mr. Amos allowed the class to work in pairs, so I went with my friend, Cassidy Wilson. The bell just rang for the end of the period when we heard people being called to the office.

The announcement said, "Melissa Murack and Cassidy Wilson... Please come to the office at the end of the period. There is someone here waiting to talk to you." Cassidy and I looked at each other like we were the most confused people on the planet. Who would want to talk to us? When the bell rang, we both went to our lockers to put our things away and went down to the office. Mrs. Morrison, the secretary, told us to go in back to the principal's office. We were both in shock as we walked down to the principal's office. I did not remember doing something so wrong... neither did Cassidy, so we had no idea what to expect. When we opened the door, to our surprise, Mr. Yates wasn't even there! It was a different man! He seemed like an older looking gentleman, perhaps in his 50's or 60's.

The man said to us, "Shut the door and sit down, the both of you. We have a lot to talk about." The man seemed to have a Scottish-British accent... I really couldn't tell. So, I shut the door, and we both sat down.

"What is there to talk about?" I asked.

"It is about my son." The man replied.

"Who's your son?" Cassidy asked.

"My son... is Indiana Jones," replied the man. "I'm Dr. Henry Jones, and I want you two to help me find him." I was in shock. We had the father of the most elite archeologist of all time in front of us, and he was asking us to find his son. The only thing was I didn't get why he chose us. There would've been people much better at finding someone than we are. So, I asked him, "Wait.. why us? We're just teenagers. How could we possibly help you find your son?"

Henry replied, "Because you're the only ones that are qualified to find him. You two know your way around almost every country, and you know about what my son was sent to find... the Holy Grail." I tried to find the words to reply to him, but I couldn't find the exact words to use. We knew almost nothing about the Holy Grail, except that it is what Jesus drank from at the Last Supper. I had the guts to say it though.

"Uh... Dr. Jones... one problem... We hardly know a thing about the Holy Grail."

"Ahh, but I do have something that will help you find it... and my son. Take a look at this," said Henry Jones as he handed us a book of some sort. I gave it to Cassidy, and she immediately started scanning through it.

"What is this book? This is nothing like I've seen," she asked.

"That is my diary. I've kept it going for years. It has all the clues you need to find the Grail. Keep it with you at all times, and don't let it get in the wrong hands."

"Yes, sir!" Cassidy said as she saluted him.

"Cassidy, he's not a soldier," I said.

"Oh, he's not?" Cassidy asked.

"No... we'll find your son as soon as we can, Dr. Jones. Where do we even start?"

"Please, just call me Henry. You can start by flying to Venice, Italy. Head to the library, and the book will guide you from there," Henry replied.

"Neither one of us even has the money to fly there," Cassidy said.

"I have friends that can take care of all that, transportation, lodging, everything."

"How do we deal with school?" I asked.

"Melissa, it's the weekend. World History was our last class." Cassidy told me.

"Well, that's nice anyway. And it's Christmas break too, even better!... Henry, you have yourself a deal."

"Excellent! I will pick you two up at your homes tomorrow," he replied.

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