Part 2

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The next day, Henry picked us up at our respective homes and took us to the Chicago Midway International Airport to get us on our flight for Venice. "Good luck, and please find my son," he said as we made our way to the flight deck.

"Have you ever actually been to Venice?" Cassidy asked.

"I think.... Once..." I replied. "Stayed for about 10 days with my family... don't remember how much we explored, but it was most of it."

"You think Henry got the wrong people?"

"We can handle it... besides, it's Indiana Jones we're looking for here! We can solve this mystery!"

"Well, you're gonna know more than me... just saying."

"Yeah... I know..."

About 20 minutes later, Cassidy fell asleep on the plane. Meanwhile, I was looking through the book that Henry Jones had given us. There was so much information in that book it was crazy. I saw so many clues dealing with the Holy Grail and its traps. The words didn't really make sense to me, but I'm sure I would find out at some point. After I looked through the entire book, I put the book back in my pocket and fell asleep until we got to Venice.

When we arrived in Venice, I was just amazed at what I was seeing. There were wonders and sights everywhere. "This is just pure beauty," I said.

"Yeah, I'm glad we agreed to come here to find Indiana," replied Cassidy. We had been on a boat going into the central area of Venice, and when we got off, someone was waiting for us. She was a blonde woman, dressed very well I might add.

"Are you Melissa Murack and Cassidy Wilson?" She asked us.

"Yes," I replied.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Elsa Schneider. I have been expecting you two." She said.

"What has been the latest update on Indiana?"

"The last thing I found was this slip of paper." Dr. Schneider handed me a piece of paper with Roman numerals on it. The numbers were III, VII, and X.

"Is there anything I can do for you two?" she asked.

"We just need the way to the library where he was studying," Cassidy replied.

"Please, this way," Elsa said as she led us to the library.

"Cassidy, there is something about this woman that troubles me," I whispered to her.

"What?" She whispered back.

"I do not trust this one."

"Well, we will ditch her as soon as we get to the library."

"Good idea."

When we got to the library, Dr. Schneider insisted on coming in with us, but I said, "I think we can handle this. We don't need your help. Maybe just arrange for us to stay longer, but that's all we need."

"Alright, then, I will arrange for you to stay longer," she said as we entered. One thing we did find out about the library was that it used to be a Roman church in ancient times. So, it does make sense that the knight's tomb mentioned in the diary would be here. We got to a big room with a stained glass window in front of us. Once we looked at the window a little closer, we noticed that the same Roman numerals on the sheet of paper were on the stained glass window.

"Well, at least we know where the Roman numerals came from. But what do they have to do with this knight's tomb?" Cassidy asked.

"Cassidy, don't you see? Indy wasn't looking for the location of the tomb. He was looking for the tomb itself! Look at the Roman numerals!" I said as I pointed out the Roman numerals on the window and to some columns that had the III and the VII on them. But we couldn't see the X.

"Look around! The X has to be here somewhere." I said. We looked around, but we couldn't see it at all... until I looked on the floor. I climbed a staircase that was nearby and yelled to Cassidy.

"The X! It's on the floor."

"Nice work, Melissa. You always did have a knack for seeing all the details." Cassidy replied. Once I got down the stairs, we tried to pop off a tile from the floor, and we succeeded at getting it off.

"You go first," Cassidy said. We both jumped down the hole and inside some catacombs. I had lit a torch so we could see down there since neither of us had night vision. We saw a carving of the Ark of the Covenant while down there as well. We got further in, and we got to some weird looking water.

"This looks like... oil," I said, but that wasn't the only thing in there. "Oh, rats..."

"Those don't look like rats," added Cassidy. "They look like snakes."

"They're rat snakes, Cassidy. Indy would've stopped here. He hates snakes." I replied. We started wading our way through the oil and past the rat snakes until we got to a big room with some tombs.

"It's gotta be one of these. Take a look around." I said as we started looking at the tombs. The one in the back of the room interested me right away. I looked at the carvings, and I knew that this was the right tomb. "Over here! This is it." I yelled to Cassidy.

We both pushed the cover off, and there was a skeleton with a shield on top of it. I brushed some dust off the shield, and there was a Christian cross on the shield and a lot of writing. I made a rubbing of the shield as fast as I could. "Maybe Indy will know what this says, but I have a feeling it has something to do with the Holy Grail," I said.

Once I had the full rubbing, I put it in my pocket. All of a sudden, we heard the rat snakes like they did not like something. That shocked me. Someone had set the oil in flames. "Quick, help me tip this over!" I yelled.

We tipped over the casket and dived in the oil to get underneath it. We couldn't stay there long, though. The snakes were seeping in as well. I dove under to find a way out, and I found one way. I swam up to the surface and told Cassidy to follow me. The way I found was through the sewers, and we popped up right around some people sitting down. They all ran away immediately when we popped up.

"Well, that could've gone better," I said.

"Yeah, but now we have people in fez hats after us!" Cassidy replied. We ran toward the closest dock and jumped in a boat. I started it up, and away we went. The fez people were in a boat following us though... Soon, they started shooting at us.

"Who are these people?!" Cassidy said.

"I don't know, but keep your head down! I'll deal with these guys." I replied. Cassidy took control of the boat, and I jumped on the other boat when they were in line with us. I took out two of the three guys by a few punches, and not lady punches I might add. Then, I got the third one in a grip by the neck.

"Why are you chasing us?! I yelled at the guy. "Where is Indy?! Why do you want us dead?!"

"We're both gonna be dead if we don't get off this boat." The man said. I just realized the boat was being torn apart by a big propellor.

"CASSIDY!!! GET THE BOAT OVER HERE!!" I yelled. She pulled the boat over, and we got in just in time. I said to the man, "Now, answer my questions. Who are you? And why are you chasing us?!"

"I am the leader of the Brotherhood of the Cruciform Sword. We are sworn to protect the Holy Grail with our lives."

"We're not after the grail. We're here to find Indiana Jones." I replied, still a little angry.

"Alright, I'll tell you. Pull up at this dock first, though." Cassidy did so, and the man got out of the boat. "Your friend is being held prisoner at the castle Brunwald in Germany." Then he left, and we got out of the boat.

"Well, at least we know where Indy is," I said.

"One question, how do we get to Germany?" Cassidy asked.

"Good question..."

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