Part 4

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We started looking down all of the different hallways in the castle, doing the man voice whenever we passed a soldier. We did manage to find a secret exit by a little port. There was a motorcycle with a sidecar as well. There was also a bunch of regular motorcycles that Cassidy didn't notice. Once we got back into the main hallway, there was the same soldier that we saw when we came out of the closet.

"Have you two gotten used to the place?" The soldier asked.

"We do know where everything is, sir," I replied in my man voice.

"Then come with me. I have a task for you two. I want the two of you to watch our prisoner." The soldier took us to a big room with a lot of chairs. It seemed like a lovely dining room. Right as we walked by the door, we saw Dr. Schneider open the door and walk away.

"I knew not to trust her," I whispered to Cassidy. Luckily, for us, she didn't recognize us. We stepped into the room, following the soldier, and, tied up to a chair, was Indiana Jones. I also noticed a little place just off to the side where plates would be stored. The soldier did have a few words for us before he left.

"This door is not wired, so you two are to stay in here at all times. I heard this one's sneaky. I will have another guard in here to help you keep an eye on him. Failure to meet the task will result in punishment. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir!" I said. The soldier left, and a different one came in, shut the door, and went to his post. I positioned myself by the soldier that just came in, and Cassidy stood by the big fireplace, which was near Indy. Now, the plan was to get rid of the soldier. We waited about five minutes to make it seem reasonable to the soldiers not in the room. Once the five minutes were up, I nodded to Cassidy as a signal to be ready. She nodded back. I think we just confused Indy in the process because now he was looking at us like, 'What are they up to?' I started up a conversation with the soldier next to me, still using the man voice.

"So.... this is a nice castle to have as a base, isn't it?"

"Yes, I guess so... but it's easy to get lost in this place. I've been here for three months, and I still get lost in here." The soldier replied.

"Have you seen that little room over there?" I said as I pointed to the room I saw when we walked in.

"I have, but I've never been inside it."

"You wanna look? I've never been inside it either."

"I guess it couldn't hurt." I took the soldier inside the room, showing him all the plates. As he had his back to me, I grabbed a big pot and smacked the soldier on the head, knocking him out and on the floor. Once the soldier was on the floor, I quickly started taking the uniform off, and Cassidy began to take hers off as well. Once Cassidy got the uniform off, she started untying Indy.

"What is going on here?!" Indy finally asked.

"We're getting you out of here, that's what," I said as I stepped out of the room where I smacked the soldier. "I suggest that we get moving, Dr. Jones. Soldiers could be coming any minute. We can lead you out of here." I added, as I shut the door and locked it.

"Lead the way, then," Indy replied. I opened the door and peeked out to make sure no one was around, and there was nobody. We started making our way to the port that Cassidy and I saw before. As we walked, I felt in my pockets to make sure I had the diary... it wasn't there. I signaled Cassidy to come closer to me.

"Do you have the diary?" I whispered.

"I thought you had it." She whispered back. She felt in her pockets, but it wasn't with her either.

"It must've slipped out when I was getting the uniform off. I'll have to go back and see if it's there. Do you remember how to get to the port?"

"Yes, but how are you getting out of here?"

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