Part 3

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We went sightseeing a little more while trying to figure out how to get to Germany. When we sat down at a small cafe, there was someone there that we did not expect to see. He was walking over to us.

"Hello there, Melissa. Cassidy... how's the search going?"

"Henry?! What are you doing here?!" I asked.

"I came to see how it was going. How was the library?"

"Could've been better. There were rat snakes down there. We found the tomb, but then we were chased by the Brotherhood of the Cruciform Sword. They protect the Holy Grail. We know that Indy is being held prisoner in Germany." Cassidy replied.

"The only problem is that we have no transportation to get there," I added.

"I can arrange that, but you two better head to Germany. Who has the book?... Melissa, can you hand me the map that's in there? I'll take it to Sallah to get a head start on the grail." I handed the map to Henry, and we kept the book. Henry sent us a car that would take us to Brunwald castle. Though, Dr. Schneider was the one driving us there.

"Great... we got this one again." Cassidy whispered to me.

"We'll ditch her when we get to the castle," I whispered back. It took about 5-10 hours to get to the castle, so the two of us dozed off while Dr. Schneider drove us all the way there. It didn't help that it was raining by the time we got to the castle, but it did give me an idea on how to get inside.

"Quick, put this on," I said to Cassidy, as I handed her a poncho from behind our seats.

"What for?" She asked.

"One, it's pouring outside, and two, I have a plan for getting us inside. Just put the poncho on!" We got the ponchos on, and after spending five minutes trying to ditch Dr. Schneider once again, we finally had the chance to get inside. I knocked on the door.

"Just leave this to me," I said. When someone opened the door, I started to pull off the worst and somehow beautiful Austrian accent I could do, as we walked inside the door.

"What are you doing, leaving us out there for 15 minutes?! We're drenched." I sneezed on the guy.

"I...I am terribly sorry, ma'am." The man said.

"Sorry?! Well, now, I expect to be taken cared of immediately. Now, tell the one in charge here that Lady Lily and her lovely assistant are here to look at the tapestries."

"Tapestries? Well, we certainly do have them here, but why those?" The man asked.

"None of your business." I punched the guy hard enough to knock him out. I commented in my typical accent, "Well, that was easy. Luckily, I can pull a good accent."

"Really... You think it was that good?" Cassidy asked.

"Well, it's something. At least, I was able to fool the guy. Come on. We got to find Indy." We started roaming the halls until we came upon a few doors. One, in particular, caught my attention. "He's in here," I said.

"What makes you think that?" Cassidy asked.

"It's wired. I think I might be able to disable it. Push that chair over here." Cassidy got a nearby chair and pushed it over. I pushed the chair so that it was under the wiring system. I hopped on the chair and got the system open using a clip I had with me. I was able to disable it, but I could hear footsteps.

"Quick, put this chair back where you found it and get in the next room," I said as I closed the system and went in the door next to the wired door. Cassidy got in a few seconds later.

"What do we do?" She asked.

"Shhh... someone's coming..." I whispered. I could hear a lot of footsteps outside the door. It sounded like about four to five guys walking by. I couldn't make out what they were saying because it was German. There was a hole in the door that I could see through, and I saw that they were Nazis. Then, I saw that they were heading the way they came. Once I knew they were well out of range, I whispered to Cassidy. "Nazis... I hate those buggers. They must've come over to check on Indy... Hold up... they're coming back..."

The same Nazis that we just saw came right back to the door. They didn't open ours, but they opened the one next door, which was the one Indy was in. They were in there for a few minutes and came back out with two of the soldiers having a grip on Indy. They went the same way they came. "What do we do? Those soldiers have him." Cassidy asked, still in a whisper.

"Hold on... I'll think of something." I whispered back. I noticed that we were in what seemed to be a closet. There were a lot of Nazi uniforms in there, and that gave me an idea. "Quick, find one of these that fits you," I whispered.

"You nuts?! Why are we putting these on? We're not Nazis." Cassidy whispered back.

"We can pretend to be Nazis, and when we get put in a room alone with Indy, we can get him right out of here. This will also give us a chance to look around without being suspicious. We'll be able to find an exit as well.

"It sounds crazy and out of place... but it might just work."

"Hope your man voice is as good as your normal one." We found uniforms that were our sizes and put them on over our regular clothes. We even followed a picture of a Nazi soldier that was in the closet so the uniforms would look normal. Once we were ready, we stepped out of the closet, but there was another soldier in front of us. I think he could tell we only spoke English.

"What were you two doing in there?" The Nazi asked. I did the talking because we decided that I had the best man voice.

"Uh... we just got lost, sir. We're new recruits."

"Well, go get used to the place then come see me. I have a task for the two of you." Then the Nazi marched off.

"That was close..." I said when the Nazi was gone. "Let's see if we can find a way out of here.

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