Part 5

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We got on our motorcycles and started for Venice. Like I said before, it was dark by the time we entered the city. Luckily, the apartments that Henry set up for Cassidy and I were still available. Since there were only two rooms, Cassidy and I shared a room, and Indy got his own. An hour later, Indy had gone to sleep in the other room, and Cassidy and I were trying to make sense of a particular section of the diary.

"Only the penitent man will pass? Name of God? Only a leap from the lion's head will prove his worth? Melissa, you have any idea what this stuff means?" Cassidy asked.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out, Cassidy... it seems like it has to deal with the traps at where the Holy Grail is."

"Traps? Why the traps?"

"Are you clueless, Cassidy? To make sure no one gets to it... unless they know what's coming. These questions are like clues to figure out what kind of traps are coming. The only one I can figure out is the leap from the lion's head. There must be a statue of a lion's head, and you have to step off a cliff to prove your worth... like finding an invisible path."

"Genius! Luckily, you can figure these things out better than I can. What do the other two mean?"

"That I don't know... maybe when we find the grail's hiding place, the text will make more sense."

"Shouldn't we be getting to bed?"

"Yeah, I can look at this diary more in the morning." With that, Cassidy and I went to bed at around midnight... yeah, that was a long day. We woke up the next day with a knock at our door. When I opened it, Indy was on the other side.

"Sorry, hope I didn't wake you two." He said.

"Oh.. no, you didn't.." Cassidy said, sleepy and sarcastically.

"Were you two talking about something last night? I thought I heard you guys talking."

"We were just trying to make sense of a section in the diary. It was dealing with the traps by the grail." I replied.

"Did you get anything figured out?"

"We managed to figure out the one talking about the leap from the lion's head. It seemed like it was talking about an invisible path. The leap... well... it sounded like a leap of faith."

"Smart girl... I think you could learn a thing or two from this diary." Cassidy was looking out the window, and I think she saw something because she had a worried look on her face.

"Is something wrong, Cassidy?" I asked.

"I think we have company." She replied. We all looked out the window, and below us were some Nazi motorcycles with at least six soldiers by them. I figured they were coming for us, so I started looking around to see if there was a rope in the room. There was one in there just long enough to reach the street. I looked out the window again, and the soldiers were gone, but the bikes were still there. I threw the rope out the window and tied one end to the window beam.

"What are you doing?" Cassidy asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Those soldiers are probably here to find us. I would rather be out of here than be in the hands of those fools." I replied.

"Now, you know how I feel," Indy added. Once the rope was tight, I let Cassidy climb down first. Indy started climbing down the rope when the soldiers were on our floor, checking rooms. I was just out of sight of the window when they came into our room. When I looked down, Cassidy was on the ground, and Indy was about three-fourths of the way down. I was still at the top, just under the window. When I was about one-fourth of the way down the rope, I looked up and saw a soldier looking out the window. He shouted in German to the other soldiers. I knew I had to get to the ground faster to get away from the soldiers. I looked down and saw both Indy and Cassidy by the motorcycles trying to start a few of them up, so I got a loose grip on the rope and slid right down the rope. Though, when I got to the bottom, I had slightly burnt hands.

"Why did I do that?!" I said to myself as I was shaking my hands, trying to cool them. I saw that Indy had started up a motorcycle with a sidecar and could hold two people on the bike itself. Both he and Cassidy were getting on the bike, with Cassidy in the sidecar again.

"Melissa! Let's go!!" Cassidy yelled. Indy was starting to make the bike move when the soldiers came out of the building.

"She has the book!!! Get her!!!" One of the soldiers yelled. They started after me.

"Melissa! Get on the bike!" Indy yelled back at me. I started running for the bike, which was moving. The soldiers were shooting at me, hoping that they would hit something that would slow me down. These soldiers also had bad aiming skills. I felt like I was running for my life away from a pack of wolves... except the wolves were soldiers. I managed to catch up to the motorcycle and went to the left side of it. Indy slowed the bike enough for me to get on, and once I got on, he sped up. We were driving all over Venice, and Cassidy was yelling at people to get out of the way. The soldiers were also on their motorcycles and shooting at us as well. Eventually, we did manage to lose them when we got to an airport. There happened to be a plane running and was heading for Jordan. We got on the flight, which somehow the pilot let us on, and we were the only ones on the plane, aside from a bearded man with a fez hat on. I would've pulled a pistol... if I had one... though he turned out to be a friend.

"Ah... Indy, glad to see that you are in one piece." The man said.

"Sallah! It is good to see a familiar face like yours." Indy replied. Cassidy and I just looked at each other. We had no idea what to say.

"Who are these two, Indy?" Sallah asked, breaking a two-minute silence.

"This is Melissa, and that is Cassidy. They were sent by my father to find me. I'm glad I've met these two. They know how to get out of the worst situations, Melissa, in particular, put her smarts to the test out there a few times," said Indiana. "Melissa. Cassidy, this is my friend, Sallah."

"Very nice to meet you, Sallah," I said.

"Yeah, it certainly is. Glad there's someone who isn't chasing us." Cassidy added. I saw Indy whisper something to Sallah... I think it was something about Cassidy and her humor. A few minutes later, the pilot announced to take our seats. Luckily, there were four chairs in the room we were in. I sat with Cassidy, and Indy went next to Sallah. They probably wanted to talk more during the trip to Jordan. I opened up the diary once more to the page, talking about the traps by the Holy Grail's location.

"Okay... one out of three solved... let's see if I can get the other two..." I said to myself. The two left to solve were these words, "Only the penitent man will pass," and "Name of God." I started thinking of all the names of God I could think of... Jesus, Lord, Alpha, and Omega... Jehovah... Jehovah, in particular, was running through my head until we got to Jordan.

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