My Vine Academia

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"So for the small intermissions since the other multiverses are malfuctioning we're going to watching an AU where Everyone creates some short funny skit then posting it on YouTube, Tik Tok and the dead platform Vine." The black haired girl said as she whispered her respects to the app Vine. "This just not focus mainly only Midoriya but some of you guys are included in here." Toni explained to everyone. "Soo... You're saying we make memes?" Kaminari asked "I mean...yeah" she replied. "So shall we begin?" Everyone screamed "Yeah!" Exepct Bakugou who just sat down there quietly fuming.

"Class 1A in the flesh" Bakugou sang "Here comes the deku-squad we should-" Midoriya sang before being cut off "SHUT UP DEKU!" "Sorry Kacchan". "Look whose coming oh my god" Todoroki sang
All 3 of the boys sang "Dang dang digity dang dang dang!"

Everyone started laughing their heads off while the 3 boys who starred in the video stayed quiet. Kirishima cackled at the clip before the blond beside him started to produce tiny sparks on his hand.

Monoma was on a table filled with dolls and a tea set then he got a phone call "What you aren't coming to my tea party!?....KENDO I MADE BISCUITS!"

Everyone laughed loudly as Monoma sank down in his seat. Kendo wiped a tear of her eye laughing at the blonde "S-shut up Kendo.." Monoma said embarrassed.

The 3 friends Bakugou Kirishima and Kaminari were walking to a car "Im driving" Kirishima said while walking to the car "SHOTGUN" Bakugou shouted "Aww but you had it the way here- WHOA WHOA" Kaminari whined as he turned around to see him holding a shot gun "No i found a shot gun and i want the front seat" He said before cocking the gun.

The class and some teachers laughed at how accurate the scene is. "That's actually accurate" Midoriya whispered loud enough for the ticking timebomb to hear. "WHAT DID YOU SAY DEKU" Scream the ash blond as the greenette flinched.

"Don't worry Iida im fine besides the doctor said i only have internal bleeding thats were the blood supposed to be right" Midoriya said while sitting on a hospital bed as Iida stared at him with concern.

The room bursted in to laughter even Bakugou. "Now. This is accurately correct" The blond said to get revenge as All might looked at his successor disappointed while Midoriya sitting there embarrassed.

"ALL WOMEN ARE QUEENS" Iida said as he pulled out a lightsaber before Monoma shows up with his lightsaber shouting "IF SHE BREATHES....SHES A THOOOOT!" The two charged at each other.

The room filled with people laughing while some snickered or stayed calm but for Monoma he sat there thinking of reasons he deserved this.

"WHO'S THAT POKEMON" Ash and his friends shouted from the screen "Its Pikachu!"Bakugou Screamed at the tv. "IT'S JIGGLYPUFF!" Bakugou started to curse at the tv

"THAT'S SO BAKUGOU" Kaminari laughed at the blonde who look like he almost had enough and probably blow up the cinema with.

Todoroki was with Endeavor as the two were finding him a Christmas present. "Hey dad i think i know what to get you for Christmas.." Todoroki said. Endeavor smiled "What is it?" Todoroki pointed at a coffin. Endeavor looked at his son and cried while Todoroki took videos

Everyone looked at Todoroki with concern and some just stared at him with questioning faces. "What?....He made my life a living hell"

Iida was on the phone but the class was noisy "Excuse me Mr. Aizawa for my foul language......EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP" everyone was shocked.

Everyone gasped at him, for revenge Bakugou said to him "LANGUAGE FOUR EYES!" He shouted at the blue haired male who was infront of him.

"How's the fishing?" Iida asked the Broccoli on the boat "It was fin-" Bakugou ran at him and tackled him into the water

"THAT'S SO BAKUGOU" The electricity user shouted before getting pinned down by Bakugou who had a murderous intent with him.

"Alright that's enough." Toni said to everyone. Majority of the students groaned "Just a little longer please!" Mina begged. "I'll try to find some more but for now that's enough. Also because Bakugou looks like he's about to kill Pikachu over there"

The Alternate Realities Of Midoriya IzukuOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora