a never ending lop

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*Slight TW Mentions of death*

It's been six years since Tony first met Peter after seeing him at a Stark convention when he was eight. He was wearing an iron man mask and almost got himself killed because, kids. The second time he saw Peter was when he was recruiting him to fight against the other avengers, and since then he never let that boy out of sight.

Peter was the reason Tony had stopped drinking and the reason he slept and ate right. He tried his best to become a good influence for his kid and was willing to do anything no matter how expensive, dumb, or dangerous, he'd do it for him.

He'd talked to May about adopting Peter and to his surprise she was ecstatic. She'd always wanted Peter to have a father figure and knew how much Peter loved Tony so she excepted it completely.

The day after that he had gotten the adoption papers and was prepping himself to ask Peter. He'd even gone on a walk with Pepper, but in the middle of it a random wizard came through a sparkly portal. He told him that the world was in danger and that he needed him. Of course, he followed him leaving the adoption process for a little while longer. Much to his dismay.

Tony and the wizard, which he later found out was named Dr. Strange, were fighting some aliens when he was about to be smashed by them until Peter came out of nowhere. He saved him and Tony was thankful but didn't say anything because. Pride.

After that, he couldn't remember anymore. Or more like his mind wouldn't let him. The only thing he could remember was that... that Peter. His son had been taken from him. Ripped away from him. Peter told him he didn't feel good, that he was sorry. But he couldn't do anything. He couldn't see right, he couldn't hear right. He was numb.

His only source of happiness had become dust. And even now, two years later, he still couldn't get that image out of his mind.


"Mr. Stark... Mr. Starkkkkk..."

"Pete? Peter? Where are you?" Tony could hear Peter but couldn't see him. He was trapped in a deep abyss and couldn't get out of it. He searched around in the darkness hoping to find him but he was held down. As if he was being dragged deeper and deeper into the depths of an ocean.

"You did this, y' know? This is your fault. It's your fault I died. Everything bad that's ever happened to you is your fault. Your weapons killed hundreds, your comments are stupid and annoying. And you couldn't even save us. The Avengers. You couldn't save me. You're a disgrace, Tony." Peter's words continuously rang in his ears. All he could do was cry. Cry because deep down he hoped Peter didn't blame him for what happened but knew there wasn't a chance. No matter how sweet Peter was, he wouldn't forgive him for this. Not something this big.


When Tony woke up he felt tears rushing down his face. He'd had that nightmare before. And believed every part of it.

He failed as a hero. 

He failed as an Avenger. 

He failed as a father.

~Irondad And Spiderson Oneshots~Where stories live. Discover now