Field trip pt.2

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As Peter and his class walked in a new exhibit caught his eye. He'd been in here several times but this was his first time seeing a spiderman section. It had his old suit, which he threw out, and some old web-shooters. On his suit was a little posted note that said 'we all have to start somewhere. Peter cringed at the old ugly suit and wondered where Tony had gotten it. But just as he was going to a walk away to find Ned he saw the little summary that Tony wrote for all the Avengers.

'Spiderman, the youngest, silliest, and most lovable Avenger in the group. At first, he worked by himself but after capturing the hearts of all the other Avengers they adopted him into the group. His moves were sloppy and too risky but after training with Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow, and Steve Rogers, Captain America, along with the others, he's been able to improve drastically in the past year and even earned himself the nickname 'friendly neighborhood spiderman."'

Peter smiled at the summary knowing that they were all written by Tony himself. Then his attention was captured by a tv showing his greatest saves including Peter catching a suicide victim, taking down Tomes, and stopping a moving train with his bare hands. But after showing his greatness it started showing his fails like getting hit by a drone while swinging and falling off a building while showing off, which wasn't high enough to hurt him. He cringed again and went to Ned which was looking at the Captain America display.

"He's soooooo cooooool," he said looking at his good part of the video, Peter smirked knowing he hadn't seen the fails clips yet. Which included a video of Peter, like spiderman, falling from the ceiling and making Steve scream like a little girl. He walked over to MJ after Ned bursting into laughter and praising Peter for scaring a super-soldier. MJ was looking at Natasha's display and reading her summary. She smiled after she finished reading and looked at Peter.

"She's such a perfect role model for young teen girls!" Peter just smiled at her and told her cool stories about her. Which was a huge mistake because Flash walked up to them and started laughing at Peter and saying things like "Yeah right like you know Natasha!" And "she'd never even lay an eye on you when she can have me whenever she wants."

Just as Flash finished that Natasha appeared behind him startling Flash and his goons, Peter had already sensed her because of his spidey sense but chose not to say anything knowing she wouldn't be happy.

"And why would I want you?" Natasha said as she glared at Flash.

"N-Natasha!" Flash said as he started freaking out.

"Who gave you the right to call me Natasha, it's Ms. Romanoff for you." She looked over at Peter and smiled at him warmly "Hey Pete!"

Peter mumbled a soft "Hey Ms. Romanoff..." and looked away.

"Pete I told this dick to call me Ms. Romanoff, not you. Now come on, what are the names you're allowed to call me." Peter wanted to melt into the floor and be one with the dirt but he knew that wasn't possible so he quickly mumbled "Mama spider, aunt Tasha, and the same ones but in Russian... " Peter would have said them but thought it would be suspicious if Puny Parker knows how to speak more than one language.

"Good! Now, who's the douche?"

"I'M NOT A DOUCHE! Na- I mean Ms. Romanoff, all due respect I can 100% do better than whatever Peter's doing." Flash's stupidity continued to amaze Peter. Natasha, on the other hand, has a face of disgust, not only did she see Peter as a nephew but this Flash kid was implying some seriously disturbing things.

"Excuse me? By better things do you mean you can make better Widow bites for me? Or single-handedly make an iron man suit? Or solve equations that even Einstein couldn't answer?"

~Irondad And Spiderson Oneshots~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin