Field Trip pt. 1

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Peter had been dreading this day for weeks now. He had a field trip to his own house, Stark Industries, and knew that his dad and mom were going to embarrass him to death. But not before the other avengers did.

Peter was Tony Stark's son but they kept it from the media so that Peter could have a normal life. And once he turned 18 they were planning on holding a press conference to reveal him to the world. Currently, Peter was 15 and was going to midtown high school, where he was known as Peter Parker and the only people that knew about his true identity in school were his friends Ned and MJ. 

Once Peter got to school he got on the yellow bus with barely a few seconds to spare. "Dude, we almost left without you!" Peter looked at his best friend with dread, Ned almost laughed but held it in for Peter's sake. Instead of responding Peter sat down and put on his earbuds. He put Karen in them once when he was bored and showed them to his dad, surprisingly Tony was extremely impressed with Peter since the earbuds were so small and Tony always had trouble with them. since then Peter always liked using them knowing his father approved them. He asked Karen to put on his favorite playlist, which consisted of a bunch of indie music and musicals like 'Cluless' from the Maria's and 'Dear Evan Hansen'

 Peter almost fell asleep but got startled by Flash, " Hey Penis!" Peter tried ignoring him but after 10 minutes of Flash calling him he gave up. 

"What do you want Flash?" Peter said in an annoyed voice.

" You ready for your shitty lie to be exposed?" Flashed laughed with his friends while Peter looked at his teacher like 'are you seriously allowing this shit?' but he just looked away. Peter slid into his chair more asking Karen to put the volume up higher. 

Once they arrived at the tower everyone went inside and started admiring the building. Even MJ looked impressed. Peter stood in the back trying his best to not be seen, he'd already seen three workers that he knew pass by them. Most workers knew he was Tony's son, not that they told them they just knew and knew that it was secret but they called Peter Mini-boss since Peter was technically above them.

An intern called Alice walked up to Peter's group and started introducing herself, "Hi, my name is Alice and I'll be your tour guide today!" when he first met her he was super annoyed at her fake enthusiasm but then found out that she was just a genuinely excited person. When Alice saw Peter in the back she smiled warmly at him, she liked him and saw him like a little brother but still called him Mini-boss. 

"Now I'll be handing out passes, put them somewhere we can see, and remember not to lose them because then you'll have to be escorted out of the tower," she passed out the plain white passes with people's names on them and asked if everyone had theirs. Abe being nosy as usual said, "Ms. Alice, Peter doesn't have his!" 

Alice looked at him "You have your pass right?" Peter nodded and took it out. It was purple with a gold stripe and his name on it. Peter clipped it on his shirt then noticed it had his name on it. Not Peter Parker, Peter Stark. Panicking for a second he covered the 'Stark' part with his jacket. Thankfully no one noticed it. But they did notice that his was drastically different than theirs. 

"Ms. Alice, what do the colors mean?" asked a girl from the front, Peter didn't recognize her since he never bothered to learn anyone, not on the decathlon, names. Alice looked up from her clipboard and started to explain.

"Well, white passes are for tours, and white with a black stripe is for important visitors. Yellow is for janitors," she pointed at her badge, "Green is for interns, blue is for the office workers, blue and a black stripe are for scientists and engineers. There's also one for the avengers red with a gold stripe. Purple with gold is reserved for Starks themselves." After Alice's explanation, everyone looked satisfied except Flash which glared at Peter and practically screamed: "So why does Penis have a Stark one!"

Alice looked at Flash with an even worse glare than his, "Mr. Eugene," she looked at his pass, "You're only wearing a white pass and you have to be red or above to ask something like that." She finished and looked at Peter with 'what the fuck?' eyes then lead them to the scanners. She told them to go through and scan their badges while she went to talk to Peter. "Mini-boss what the fuck was that?" even though she usually acted like a sweat muffin when it came to her little brother she'd kill someone. "N-Nothing, he's... just a friend." She looked at him suspiciously but said nothing. 

Flash was first to go in, of course, and swiped his card, as he went in FRIDAY spoke 'Eugene Thomson, white pass access 20 floors.' Flash jumped at the sound along with the rest of the class but Peter and Alice were unfazed. "Oh sorry! That's just Friday Tony's AI!" The rest of the class went in and Peter was left at the end, as Peter walked through the scanner  Friday announced his arrival ' Welcome Peter, shall I inform the boss of your arrival?' Peter's face got red at the attention, " NO. No. No, it's okay Fri you don't need to tell d-Mr.Stark!" Peter kept walking and tried his best to ignore the looks.

"Okay! Now that we've all gone through the scanners we can finally start the tour," everyone cheered, "the first place we'll be visiting is the avenger's museum!"


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