father thanos

637 15 3

While in the soul stone Peter was ignored and forgotten by the rest of the Avengers. He was extremely depressed and self-harmed but nobody noticed.  He'd tried to make jokes and voice his opinions when they were discussing battle plans but they just didn't listen. It was like this for a whole year until Peter snapped at the Avengers and ran off deeper into the soul stone.

Peter had been running for an hour straight and only stopped because a portal opened up revealing Thanos. Peter flinched for a second but stood his ground against Thanos making sure not to show any emotion.

"Stand down little one. I'm not here to hurt you. I've seen how the Avengers treat you. They discriminate against you because of your age. But I see you, even if you are young I can see that you are more powerful than them. Come with me and I'll show you how powerful you are." Thanos reached his hand to Peter and hesitantly he reached back and joined Thanos. If he wasn't on the brink of insanity Peter wouldn't even think about going near him but his mind was hurt and in need of help. So he'd prefer dying at Thanos' hands than being with the Avengers. He grabbed Thanos' hand and joined him in his quest for a better life.

You'd think that Thanos abused and manipulated Peter but instead, he treated him as if he was his son. The guilt of killing his daughter, Gamora, pained Thanos greatly but Peter's presence made him completely forget he traded his daughter's life for a stone.

Peter was still depressed but his spirit was lifted ever so slightly. He was brought back to life and was being taught to kill the Avengers, which would be bad but he hated the Avengers just as much as Thanos did.


The Avengers looked for days trying to find Peter while Dr. Strange perfected the portal to escape the soul stone. And once he did they decided to give up assuming that the temperamental 15-year-old was dead.

They each walked into the portal and walked out into the present world. Seeing Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff,  Scott Lang, Bruce Branner, Captain Marvel, Clint Barton, and Thor with a few other superheroes.

Tony ran to Strange and Captain,
"WHERE IS HE?" Steve smirked and said "Rhodey?" Rhodey then walked up to Tony and smiled coming in for a hug but got pushed away.

"Where's my kid?" His eyes clearly showing how much he needed to see this 'kid'. They looked at him with confused looks surprised at the fact that the cold heartless Tony cared for someone this much.

"Which kid?" Steve stood next to him breaking the silence after a few seconds.

"Peter! Spiderman!" Tony almost screamed but his voice shriveled down to a whisper, "my son..."

Everyone stood there stunned remembering the little boy always bugging them. "He-he snapped with you guys. I-I s-saw him" tears were running down his face but before any of the others could respond as a huge black portal appeared in front of them.

Out came Thanos with two aliens by his side. The Avengers looked up and prepared to fight except Rhodey who was trying to help up a shaking Tony.

"Oh children, surrender now or we will have to... eliminate you all." Thanos walked up to them but stopped when the avengers all ran up to him.

He led up his hand and made a fist, "very well," in seconds millions of aliens came out of portals and charged at them. With that, the battle of the Avengers vs. The aliens started.

Tony's suit formed around him as he freed himself from Rhodey and ran towards Thanos.

"YOU KILLED MY SON!" Thanos smirked at the remark but said nothing. The rest of the Avengers charged as well.

--Time skip bitches--

After three hours of fighting, Thanos was finally on the ground and the Avengers were winning, the fight was in their favor until Thanos said something.

"Release the spider..."

A silence rose as a portal opened and revealed a small child with a black skin-tight suit.


"Peter!" Tony screamed as he ran over to his son. And once he reached him he went for a hug, "I've missed you so much, son!" But before Tony could embrace him he grabbed him by the arm and flung him away.

"Disgusting," Peter said as he glared at Tony and walked towards Thanos. "You called, father."

Thanos stood up and put his hand on Peter. "It is time son. You shall lead us to victory. Now fight."

"Yes, father."

With that Peter ran toward the avengers, his suits eyes turning red as metal legs sprung out of his back. The Avengers all prepared to fight except Natasha, Bruce, Clint, and Thor who had all met Peter before.

Tony still sat on the ground trying to process what had happened. Then his attention was taken to Peter. He was fighting the Avengers and winning, his suit seemed to permanently be on instant kill mode. Steve threw his shield and took a knife from a stunned Natasha, stabbing Peter in the gut while he caught the shield. "Why aren't you guys fighting!" Steve screamed at the others.

"I wouldn't hurt my son... Tasha and the others wouldn't hurt their nephew..." Tony was shaking having a panic attack. Peter was now holding his stomach trying to hold in the blood. "Why are you fighting us? What happened to you? Why are you working for Thanos?" Peter stared at Tony then spoke after breaking.

"FATHER doesn't judge me for being young. He doesn't push me away. He...HE DOESN'T IGNORE ME OR CALLS ME A NUISANCE." Peter had tears in his eyes as he stared down at the Avengers. "I won't hurt you Tony, or Natasha, Bruce, Clint, Thor. As for the others, well... I'll just make your death less painful." He looked down at his wound not wanting to look at Tony in his eyes.

"but does he love you..." Tony's voice was small and shaky but Peter heard due to his enhanced hearing. Peter froze reliving the past year and a half.

He doesn't love me... he's been using me... my powers... my hatred for the Avengers. But he doesn't judge me and he's never hurt me before... But Tony, no dad! He's loved me all my life! And-and I love him!


Peter's suit turns back to red and blue as he takes off his mask and runs towards Tony. Tony hugs him back tears running down both of their faces.

But before they can finish their loving reunion a scream comes from 50 feet away. "HOW BEAUTIFUL." Thanos'face was riddled with blood but he still stood up and walked up to the pair. He raised his hand and prepared to fight.

"You're on our side now, right kiddo?" Tony stretched his hand to Peter. Peter grinned and grabbed it.

"Of course dad."

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