Wakandan cousin

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"Daddddd," Peter walked up to Tony who was laying on the couch with a huge cup of coffee. "What's up, Pete?"

"This Friday the class is going on a field trip here and I was wondering if I could just stay here, at home, since I y'know pretty much know everything about this place. Plus, Shuri's gonna be here so I thought we could spend the day and make cool inventions! But if that's not okay then I'll just go, actually this was a pretty dumb question especially when I know you're so busy, sorry I asked dad." Peter looked down at the floor as Tony looked at Peter with confused eyes as he tried to process the several words he just threw at him. God his kid can ramble a lot when he was nervous.

"Petey we really gotta work on your self-confidence and yes you can stay kiddo, I mean you know more about the tower than I do." Peter smiled and hugged his dad before running off to his room to text Shuri. It had been a long while since he got to stay home and goof off with her.

Time skip ~3 days later/friday~

Shuri had arrived the day before at around 5 pm and immediately started talking about the shitty Tik Tok trends and making themselves new customed lightsabers since they broke their old ones.

"Peter, what time is it?"

"I don't know, like 10 pm?" Peter reached for his phone to check the time but before giving a definite answer he dropped his phone. "Oh, shit bro!."

"What!?" She looked up from her work genuinely worried.

"It's 9 am..."

"WHAT!? I swear I just got here like 10 minutes ago!" Peter was about to respond with an equally dramatic response but was interrupted by FRIDAY.

"Mr. Peter, Princess Shuri, Boss has asked me to inform you that breakfast is ready." They both look at each other and laughed at their stupidity (even though they're both geniuses), then proceeded to walk down to the kitchen where all the avengers were already.

As soon as Peter got down he screeched his usual "MoRnInG!" And sat down next to Tony who glared at him playfully.

"If you weren't so cute I swear I would have put you up for adoption." Tony joked and Peter responded by putting his hand on his heart and looking at him with betrayal. "I..I'm hurt!" Tony just smiled at his son as he laughed while eating his pancakes.

"Don't you have school today Peter?" Peter looked up from his pancakes and smiled at his aunt Tasha "I skipped!"

Natasha glared at him, " I get you're smart but that doesn't mean you can just go around and skip whenever you want!" Peter smiled once again.

"We had a field trip here so it's not like I'm missing anything."

Natasha looked at him suspiciously but after noticing he wasn't lying she said, "fare enough"

While Peter and the rest of the Avengers were telling Shuri and T'Challa about a crime they solved the other day Friday popped in. "Boss I'd like to inform you that the midtown tech tour group will be here at 11 am and you and the rest of the avengers have a meet and greet with them at 1 pm."

Tony groaned at the thought of moving and stood up. "Okay, Pete, why don't we head up to the lab and work on some suit upgrades before we have actual things to do." Peter immediately stood up and went to his father's side but before they left he asked, "Can Shuri come too!"

"Sure love, if she wants." Tony just walked to the elevator as Peter and Shuri followed close behind.


They spent three hours working and laughing as they worked on their suits. Shuri was helping Peter on his suit while Tony did his own, occasionally giving them some pointers.

Tony loved having his son in the lab with him and enjoyed seeing his, basically, niece making him laugh every ten seconds. Currently, their reason for laughter was peter accidentally spraying everyone with the web after dropping a web bomb.

Tony was in the process of getting the web dissolver while Peter and Shuri were laughing like madmen when he heard the elevator ding. Clearly, peter didn't hear it because of their laughter so he said "Oh Gods dad, I'm- " he was cut off by his own laughter "so sorry!"

"The fuck."

A wave of silence hit the room as Peter turned around and saw his class outside the elevator. Or partly saw them since he still had web all over his face. Peter blushed and stumbled on his words but before he could answer he was sprayed like a cat by his dad.

Before he knew it the web dissolved and he could see again "oh thanks dad"
Fuck he did it again.

"Why is Parker calling the Tony Stark 'dad'?" Peter looked over in fear as he heard the voice of Flash himself. Though before he could answer he was once again stopped by Tony.

"Because I'm his dad? I mean it's pretty self-explanatory." Tony sassed at Flash immediately hating him

"Is that the princess of Wakanda?!" A girl whispered. Peter looked over at Shuri knowing she hated only being known as 'the princess'.

"The princess has a name and it's Shuri. For your information." Peter magically sassed back just like his father. Immediately the girl responded with a quick "oh sorry" and Shuri smirked at Peter.

"How about I show you guys around?" Tony handed the web dissolver to Peter and walked up to the tour group. Peter finished spraying it on Shuri and the floor and walked over to his work station where he tinkered with their lightsaber.

"Shuri! Shuri!" Peter whisper yelled at Shuri from across the room. She was looking at Tony's suit.

"What!" She whisper yelled back.

"I finished them!" Shuri's eyes light up as she ran over and grabbed her lightsaber. They started fighting with them in the back of the lab as the class, which was supposed to be watching Tony talk about his inventions, stared at them with starry eyes.

"Hey love, you're distracting my group!" Peter looked over at tony which was a bad decision because Shuri socked him in the head with her lightsaber. "Oww. Oh, sorry dad!" Peter blushed again and ran off with Shuri.

____•y'all wanna name my time skips since that's a thing apparently?•____

After three more hours of Shuri and Peter goofing around, they were called by FRIDAY to attend the QnA. They didn't know why they needed to go but decided it'd be fun.

Peter sat down next to tony and Shuri sat next to him with the rest of the Avengers in a line following them. After everyone was seated tony spoke up.

"Hello again midtown nerds," peter scoffed at that remark thing about how tony was the biggest nerd he knew. "You have an hour to ask any questions you have regarding our hero lives or personal, depending on the level of personalness. Now raise your hands and tell us who the questions are directed to" Immediately after Tony finished everyone's hands went up, and Tony picked the first person.

"Is Peter really your son?" A girl Peter never bothered to learn the name of asked.

"Yes. Next question!" Tony picked the next person.

"WHOS DICK DID PENIS HAVE TO SUCK FOR YOU TO ACT LIKE HE'S YOUR SON!" A silence radiated through the room as Flash finished his idiotic question. And just as Tony was going to stand up Shuri flung herself at Flash with her spear and spoke in a terrifying voice.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING SO POORLY ABOUT MY COUSIN?" Flash shivered as he looked at Shuri and apologized a thousand times.

After a good ten minutes of the rest of the avengers threatening Flash's life, the tour group was escorted out with Flash having to be carried out.

"I don't know if I should hate you or love you guys more." Peter joked as they all rode the elevator back to the penthouse. They spent the rest of the day watching movies and cuddling up with each other. And flash knew to never mess with Tony Stark's son.

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