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Walking love song.

a/n: a lot of timeskips ahead >:))

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Houston was much colder than it was before; Christmas was just around the corner and Awsten wasn't feeling it. Work piled up and the stress was adding pressure on him, it made him sulking for days. He, sadly, couldn't spend this Christmas with his family, since they were away for the holidays and Awsten didn't want to leave the unfinished songs on their own. He sat on his front porch again, bringing a cup of hot coffee to his lips. He looked at the 5AM sky, sighing at the colorful rays that seethed through the clouds.

"Merry-lonely-Christmas." He muttered to himself, sighing. His pets weren't here as well, since Geoff and Jawn offered to take them in for the holidays; knowing Awsten would be the busiest during this week. He loved his understanding friends, they were literal blessings. He placed the cup besides him and suddenly, two pair of headlights came flashing on the driveway. He raised a brow, seeing the car park in front of his porch and a figure climbed out of it.

"Hey, Aws!"

He smiled at Y/n as she walked towards him, a big smile upon her lips and a wrapped gift in her hands. "Good morning," He softly said as she took a seat besides him. She hummed, giving him the box. He looked at her, in confusion, and she smiled again–the brightest she could ever give him. "Merry Christmas, or Happy Yule." She giggled and Awsten felt his heart warming.

"I- thank you, but I didn't get you anything," He pressed his lips into a thin line. "You're purposely making me feel bad!" He teased, making her giggle softly.

"No! No, Awsten, I'm just giving you this early 'cause I'm on my way to my parents' house."

"Oh." He felt his heartstrings being tugged. He was hoping to spend Christmas with her, and the guys, but there goes his plans out the window. She nodded and looked at the coffee besides him, "What about you? Aren't you going to visit your family?" She asked, tilting her head. Awsten shook his head, eyes glued on the blue-wrapped gift in his hands.

"No, but that's okay. I'm spending the holidays alone. I guess." He huffed and she remained silent for a bit before she placed a hand on his shoulder, making him look up.

"You're coming with me then."

His eyes widened, "What? A-are you sure?" He silently hoped she couldn't hear how his heart was pounding on his chest. She nodded, her eyes almost shutting close as she gave him a wholehearted smile, "Of course! My parents wouldn't mind if I came home with you anyways."

His heart exploded.

"Okay. Well, uh, how many days are we gonna be there?"

She hummed, "Just three days. We'll be back before New Year's eve." She assured and Awsten nodded before standing up, retreating into his house–with Y/n trailing behind him–to pack his clothes.

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"We can take turns in driving," Awsten offered, shutting the passenger door close as Y/n climbed into the driver's seat. She nodded and buckled in her seatbelt, Awsten mirroring her actions, "Okay! Are you ready to meet my parents?" She smiled and Awsten nodded.

Come to think of it, Awsten was going to meet her parents for the first time and he wasn't prepared. When he met his ex's parents, it didn't go that well. He ended up vomiting on their backyard because he was nervous, but of course they didn't know cause he placed dirt over it and blamed it on the dog, but her mom liked Awsten, so he felt relieved for that. But now, it's different.

He was meeting Y/n's parents and he didn't know what to do. What if they hated him? What if they didn't like his blue hair and he needed to shave it? What if they were actually evil scientists and they used his body for their experiments? These were the thoughts going through his head for the pass hour. He was zoning out into the abyss, watching the sunrise in the rear view mirror and the birds flying above them.

He was quiet and paler.


He snapped out of his thoughts and turned his head towards her. She smiled at him and he noticed that they stopped at a red light, "Are you okay? You seem quiet."

"Y-yeah, well, no."

"Why? Is something wrong? Did you leave your phone?"

He chuckled, shaking his head, "Everything's fine, Y/n. It's just- well, what if your parents thinks I'm. . . weird?" There was silence between them as they stared into each others eyes. She blinked and a laugh came erupting from her lips, making Awsten blush. The lights were already green but not a single soul was on the highway just yet at 5:34 AM in the morning.

"It's not funny!" He huffed out.

She leaned back against the headrest and looked at him once she settled down, a warm smile on her lips, "Awsten, I can assure you that they'll love you!"

"What if your parents hate me?" Awsten asked his ex-lover as they parked out her house. She shrugged, "I don't know." Awsten breathed out heavily.

"Well, that lifts up my spirit."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just go inside."

"My mom makes the sweetest pie and my dad, well, he does tasty burgers. They've seen pictures of you and I can tell you that mom likes your hair." She smiled brightly at him, causing his heartbeat of pick up its' beating. Awsten saw the sincerity in her eyes and that eased him a bit.

"You tell your parents about me?" He smirked and he saw the visible blush upon her cheeks. She coughed and began driving again, obviously dodging the question. Awsten laughed, pinching her cheek. "Oh, you do!"


"You stuttered! Really, Y/n, I don't mind at all! I am the most famous diva alive, so I don't blame you." He laughed.

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"When I was! A young boy!" Awsten and Y/n sang along with the song on the radio. Awsten strummed his air guitar and she used her fingers as drumsticks on the steering well, both of them lost in the song of every emo. Traffic was heavy during the holidays and they were able to find something to pass time as the cars slowly moved, making it seem like a parking lot on the highways. They danced around and sang the song in the highest notes, their voice almost cracking every time, and they were thankful her windows were tinted.

They also munched down on sweets that she packed ahead of their trip, knowing that they would be needing it in some part of the car ride. Y/n danced along to the beat, her hair swaying side to side and a soft smile upon her lips. Awsten quieted down and watched her as she danced in her chair. Everything seemed muffled, up to the honking of the cars outside to the sound of My Chemical Romance in the radio, and it only seemed to focus on her.

Like in the movies, she was moving in slow-mo, giving Awsten the perfect view of her face. She was smiling, her head slightly bowed down, and her features were softened and bright. Awsten's breath hitched as she opened her eyes. Perfect (eye color) hues locking with his mismatched ones–making his heart beat like a drum. She blushed as she catched Awsten staring, causing her to turn her attention back to the road with a small smile on her lips.

Awsten smiled and turned his head back to the road as well, replaying the sight of her pretty face in his head over and over again.

𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄 𑁍 𝙖. 𝙠𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now