
999 40 20

Cue all the love to leave my heart.

a/n: italics are flashbacks.

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Awsten gripped the steering wheel, eyes on the road as the sun ahead of them was setting slowly. They've been on the road for quite a while and the GPS was telling him that they were near, he didn't trust that device, yet he did trust Y/n when she told him that they were near. He took a glance at her sleeping figure on the seat he was once in, the seat was pushed back slightly and she was curled up in one of Awsten's sweater. Her hair falling on her face as light snores came from her.

Awsten smiled.

"See? That wasn't so bad." His ex-lover chuckled as he climbed into the driver's seat with a hand on his upset stomach. Awsten sighed, looking at the sky before back at her.

"It was bad."

"But hey! Mom liked you and she rarely likes anyone." She huffed, making him chuckle. He placed a hand on her cheek, caressing her cheek with his thumb. "Then, it's not so bad."

Awsten looked back at the road, seeing the cars passing by them and their taillights creating a line that trailed behind them as they speeded ahead of him. He sighed, slowing down as soon as the GPS told him to take a turn to his right–which he did. He noticed that they entered a quiet subdivision, kids in the side of the road playing with one another and adults keeping a close eye on them. A friendly neighborhood, he thought to himself.

He stopped the car, as the GPS told him so, outside a small house. It was cozy, for Awsten's liking, and seemed welcoming enough. He turned to the sleeping beauty besides him, outstretching a hand for her. He placed a hand on her cheek and his mind took him back to the day he was so sure about everything.

He saw the beach, the waves crashing in with the shore in a calm manner, he saw the sand glimmering with the light by the sun, and then– he saw her smile. Her lips were kinked up to the sides, her lips were pale and yet he found it beautiful. "It's beautiful, yeah?" She asked, her eyes glued on to the slowly rising sun.

"Gorgeous." He replied and turned to the sun.

She opened her eyes and they locked with Awsten's, making her blush and smile. She yawned, stretching her hands up, "Are we here?" She said in a low and tired voice. Awsten nodded, "The GPS told me so." She nodded and sat up, rubbing her eyes and turning her head towards the house they parked outside of. She smiled widely and turned to Awsten, "Come on." She said and climbed out of the passenger's seat.

Awsten followed her, ignoring the anxiety rising in his stomach and his heartbeat picking up its' beat again. She walked in the small cemented pathway towards the front door–that she remembered was brown before, now white–and to the small stairway. She must've sensed Awsten's scared presence, so she turned around and held a hand towards him.

He looked up, his eyes flickering from the door and her hand. He grabbed it and her hand was soft around his; like a missing puzzle piece fitting perfectly into his. He eased up as soon as she shot him an assuring smile. She turned towards the door and knocked on it.

In matter of seconds, the door swung open and a woman with (hair color) and a motherly smile upon her lips appeared. She looked like Y/n and Awsten smiled at that. "My baby! Hello, Y/n!" She greeted, pulling her daughter in a hug. Y/n laughed and hugged her mom back using one hand, since the other one was laced around Awsten's hand. They pulled away and Y/n's mother turned to the blue-haired boy, making Awsten even more nervous than he was.

"Hello, dear. You must be Austine," Both Y/n and Awsten cringed, but Awsten quickly chuckled and corrected her. "Yes, ma'am, but that's actually with a 'w'."

𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄 𑁍 𝙖. 𝙠𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now