
978 41 13

Met a lot of people, but nobody feels like you.

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Awsten opened his eyes, hissing at the bright light shining through the window. He was about to move when he felt arms wrapping around him, he turned his head to the side and saw her sleeping figure snuggled up besides him. He recalled what happened last night; her mother telling him embarrassing stories of Y/n from middle school, both of her parents calling it a night an hour later, and both, Awsten and Y/n, staying up late–talking about random stuff. They agreed from sharing a bed, since Y/n didn't want Awsten to sleep on the couch nor on the cold floor.

Awsten stared at her face, noticing her softened features before him. Her hair was falling off her face, so his hand–unknowingly–reached out to place it back behind her ear. She stirred, pulling her arms around his torso, and laid still besides him. He smiled, trailing his hand towards her cheek. He placed the palm of his hand on her cheek, using his thumb of caress her cheekbone. "Good morning, sunshine." He muttered, leaning in to place a kiss on her forehead.

He sat up, grabbing his phone from the nightstand and opening it up to find several notifications.

messages                   9:32 AM
(G) Je (o) ff 😳
          Dude, you and Y/n are trending on twitter! The both of you are adorable!!!!

messages                   9:21 AM
Jawn 🤠
          SO THIS IS WHY YOU WANTED ME TO LOOK AFTER JET, HUH? SO YOU COULD RUN OFF WITH YOUR PRINCESS? Can't say I'm disappointed or what but y'all cute😤

His eyebrows furrowed and he opened Twitter. After it loaded for a moment, he was instantly met with a video that someone took of them in a car. It was when they were stuck in traffic, Awsten and Y/n were dancing–to My Chemical Romance or Panic! At The Disco–and the both of them seemed to have a good time together. Above the video was the caption, "Idk about y'all but Awsten and Y/n are together😭."

The video was merely ten seconds and it sent fans into a frenzy–thinking that the two were now a couple and some thought that they were eloping. Awsten laughed at some comments and even liked a few, especially the ones with the current hashtag that was trending.

"#AwstenandY/nshouldbetogether", was trending in Houston and Awsten laughed at the thought of people thinking that were together. He froze when he thought about it more, he wanted to be with her and the fans loved her already. He looked over his shoulder, seeing her peaceful state, and thought, "What's there to lose?"

Soon enough, Y/n woke up to an empty bed. Awsten must've woken up early than she did and headed downstairs. She yawned, sitting up with her hands in the air, her bones cracking–giving her relief. She rubbed her eyes and looked around her room, seeing the door was slightly open. She climbed off her bed and the sweater she was wearing dropped to her legs. She smiled, hugging herself to regain the warmth it gave off the previous night. She slipped on her slippers and walked out off her room and down to the kitchen.

She was greeted with the same of bacons and eggs being cooked, the sizzling of bacon was music to her ears and made her stomach grumble. She entered the kitchen and saw Awsten's lanky figure towering over the stove as his hand handled the spatula, flipping over the bacon. Awsten turned his head towards her direction and smiled at her, "Hey, sunshine! Good morning. Your parents went to fetch your aunt from the airport and they told me they wouldn't be home until this evening." He said, turning his head back to the stove; only to hide the blush creeping on his cheeks.

She looked adorable in his clothes.

"Oh. Well, we should probably head out to some of the spots that I used to go to, how does that sound?"

"Great. Go get ready, breakfast should be done after you're finished." And with that, she disappeared again.

- - -

With the windows rolled down, the breeze flew inside the car, blowing her hair behind her. The road they were on was deserted–not a single car passing by since this was further on the countryside. Awsten peeked his head through the window, smiling widely as they drove past wheat fields. 2000s alternative rock was blasting through the speakers and the snow was light enough to drive on; the day was calming to the both of them.

The sun was out, just behind a flew clouds as the snowfall was very light. It wasn't cold too, which was a relief to the both of them. "Where are we going?" Awsten asked as he sat back down on the passenger's seat. Y/n hummed, taking a turn and finally stopping just outside a gate. Awsten furrowed his eyebrows as the girl grabbed a basket from the backseat. She turned to him and smiled, "This is where I used to go when I was young. It's a part of my grandma's property." She told him and climbed out the door.

Awsten followed her, insisting on carrying the basket for her but she declined him. They entered the gate, walking through the thin snowy path and through the small woods, she ducked down a few branches, Awsten almsot tripping over on a few roots sprouting out from the ground before they finally reached their destination.

The scenery was amazing. They were both standing on the edge of a cliff, hectares of snow-covered fields just below them with small flowers sprouting out, some were wilting and some were covered in snow, while the sun casted its' light upon the frozen lake just besides the field. Awsten let out an awestruck breath and she smiled, "We should come by here next time in the spring. It's even beautiful that way." She softly said, gazing over the fields.

Awsten felt his stomach bursting with butterflies once more. She wanted him to come back with her to her hometown, it made him feel giddy inside. Awsten turned to her and she already laid down a blanket. Since the snowfall had already stopped and the snow on the ground wasn't that bad, she placed the blanket on top of a green patch of grass and took a seat. Awsten followed her actions, sitting besides her as they both sat in silence to admire the view.



"Thank you."

Confusion filled his body and his eyebrows knitted themselves down. "What do you mean?" He asked, turning his head towards her. She smiled, humming softly.

"Thank you for giving me another shot at life. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me."

Awsten blushed.

𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄 𑁍 𝙖. 𝙠𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now