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this is a random chapter i made to make up for the lack of updates. been busy with my journalism.

anyways, here's an au wherein the reader is the antagonist and Awsten is the protagonist, they fight each other not knowing they're soulmates.


"Really? You're after them again?" Jawn groaned, rolling his eyes while he opened his laptop. Otto sat besides the techie, popping a peppermint into his mouth as he watched Awsten buttoned on his suit. The green-haired male shrugged, grabbing his hand guns from Geoff as he turned towards his team. The three of them shot him concerning looks, almost as if they pitied him.

"Then who will? They've damaged a lot of property and shit. As if I'd let that slip away," He replied, putting his hand guns into the hollister. His teammates looked at each other, not seemingly satisfied with the answer they've got from the hero. Jawn passed him a comm, Awsten putting it into his ear as he slipped on his gloves.

Geoff sighed, "Awsten, we know they've been on and off the hook for years but, dude, there's more villains to catch than just them, don't you think?"

This was the truth. Awsten and (name) have been chasing each other from the moment they of their first debut. Awsten, also known as Agent Knight, has been hot on their trail as soon as they called the first punch on Awsten's back during one mission. Awsten could never forget how they managed to smile during their fight, with cuts and scratches all over their body, they still shot Awsten their infamous smile.

The smile that found a way to pierce through his heart. It was silly, really, the greatest agent–right after agent Urie–seemed to found himself falling for an antagonist. He cringed and mentally scolded himself, yet the question still lingered upon the back of his mind.

Out of all the people in the city he swore to protect, why them?

He deployed towards the targeted club, slipping pass the heavy security with Jawn's hacking into the system. Otto and Geoff gave him spare guns and magazines attached to his sides, just in case it gets messy–which it always does. Whenever he'd see them, it would always get messy.

Always torn up between hurting or protecting them.

As soon as he step foot in the club, he was greeted by ladied practically throwing themselves at him. Awsten was undeniably a good looking guy, plus his strength, he would make anyone bend to their will. All except (name), of course. That pesky vixen never does anything right to Awsten.

He quickly dodged them, slipping pass the sweaty men and women on the dance floor with their raging hormones all over the place. Awsten walked around, pressing his comm to communicate with his teammates back in their base. "Jawn? Any sign of them?" He whispered, hoping the techie heard it over the loud music of the club.

"No, no, no!" The reply was glitchy, almost as if Jawn was being cut off. It alerted the agent, making him quickly turn to the restrooms. He kicked the boys' restroom door open, motioning for the couple making out in it to get out (to which they quickly did out of embarrassment). Awsten pressed the device again, hoping he'd hear his teammates instead of the noise and glitch.

"A– Aws! Awsten! It's a– Get out!"


Someone threw a punch at Awsten from behind, but thanks to his reflexes, he dodged it and managed to kick them in the stomach. He whipped around with one hand still pressed upon the comm, and the other balled up into a fist.

𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄 𑁍 𝙖. 𝙠𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now