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If you're lonely, come be lonely with me.

pls listen to Coyote Theory – This Side of Paradise 'cause it takes up most of this chapter and because it's my fave 🥺

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     She gently tapped her fingers upon the desk as Awsten turned back in his living room with two steaming mugs of coffee. He sat down on the floor besides her, placing a blue mug in front of her before he looked around the space to find the remote. She looked at the mug, eyebrows furrowing in confusion, "Um, Awsten?" She softly called out as he leaned on the couch, grabbing the remote on the armrest.

He looked towards her, rising his eyebrows as he looked down at the cup in her hands, "Is there something wrong with your coffee? Too bitter?" He asked, silently pressing the play button on the remote. The Office played quietly in the background as she chuckled, shaking her head.

"No, it's just. . . Isn't this your favorite mug? Why aren't you using it?"

He smiled, booping her nose, "You're my favorite person, so I'm letting you use that. Besides, Jawn got me this one." He held up the mug he was holding and brought it closer to his mouth, blowing before taking a sip from the coffee. She blushed, looking back at the mug.

The wind bustled outside, the snow falling over the ground, and it was hard to see from the window because of the amount of snow. Awsten, being himself, got up early (before the storm had hit) and went to pick her up from her house. She agreed, since Y/n never wanted to be left alone in a snow storm. They've been binge watching movies and tv shows from the last two hours, Awsten making them snacks and drinks.

All of the plans he had for them that day were canceled, but he didn't complain, in fact, he loved staying in with her. She had his favorite sweater wrapping around her as it hung loosely on her body, it made Awsten smile. Her (skin color) looked incredible gorgeous under his soft living room lights.

To be honest, Awsten never really believed in love at first. Growing up in Houston meant he had to dream bigger to achieve his goal, at first, he wanted to be a teacher because he liked being around kids and he liked teaching, but then after being influenced by Pete Wentz and other artists, such as Donald Glover, he found himself hooked on making music.

There was love there; he loved being around his band mates and he loved making music, but he never saw love farther than that. He wanted all to be platonic, not until she came and took his heart with her blonde hair and charming smile. She swept him off his feet and Awsten thought that what love felt like.

He thought love felt like that, but it didn't. After she broke his heart over and over again, he didn't want to believe that she was bad. She loved him, right? Even if she was crushing his soul, she loved him, right?

But then, everything changed.

He found Y/n and his world became brighter. He remembers telling his mom that his ex was the one for him and, oh boy, was he wrong. Y/n had a different effect on him. She moved the heaviness in his heart like prayers and he found himself thinking about love on a whole other perspective. He remembers the first week she was in the studio, she'd bring him grape donuts–his favorites–and smile at him before starting a lighthearted conversation with him.

She's lovely, so lovely than anyone in his life.

"You know," He looked up from his mug, looking at her as her eyes were glued on the television. "My favorite song of yours is 21 Questions."

There was a whole different meaning to that song, everyone was aware of that, but the way she spoke about how she liked it makes him throw the meaning away. He made that song when he was conflicted about how he felt for his ex. He was always thinking before he did something with her.

But he never did that with Y/n. He'd do anything with her without hesitation because she brings out the best of him and he does that, too.

"Oh, yeah?" He smirked, placing the mugdown on the coffee table. "I watched all your covers last night and my favorite was your cover of This side of paradise." He watched as her cheeks was tinted in pink as soon as he said that.

She looked away, her starry-eyes trailing around the room, "It's a-actually my favorite song."

"Yeah? Well, it's mine too 'cause you like it." He chuckled, standing up to get his guitar from his room. He sprinted up the stairs, fetching his guitar before running down to sit besides her again. He sat on the couch with her looking up to the blue-haired boy.

"I learned how to play it so I could sing it to you." Her heart melted. He cleared his throat and began strumming his guitar. The harsh winds outside were now merely softened by Awsten's strumming, his fingers running along the strings for the right chords.

"Ask me why my heart's inside my throat. I've never been in love, I've been alone. Feel like I'm been living life asleep. Love's so strong it makes me feel so weak."

He smiled at her as he saw her softly bopping her head to the beat. He wiggled his eyebrows, wanting her to sing with him, and so she did.

"Are you lonely? Our fingers dancing when they meet." Awsten sang, watching as she stood up to sit besides him on his cozy couch.

"You seem so lonely. I'll be the only dream you seek." The way her voice blended with his makes him weak every time they did their demos in the studio and he wonders why he hasn't fallen on the floor every time she sang.

Screw that, he feels weak around her in general. Awsten is the biggest softie around people, but he's the softest when he's with her. She is his weakness and he is hers; together, they make each other strong.

"So if you're lonely, don't need to show me. If you're lonely, come be lonely with me."

𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄 𑁍 𝙖. 𝙠𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now