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>> Five years ago <<

Autumn: 'Stop it, I can't focus!'

Damon: 'I can't help it, you're so slow. A enemy would've chopped your head of by now.'

I had the arrow on my bow pointed at the apple on the tree stump. I held my breath and squeezed my eyes together. When the arrow was right in front of the apple, I shot. The apple splashed in two when the arrow pierced it at high speed. I breathed out and looked challenging at my twin brother.

Autumn: 'At least I actually hit my enemy.'

Damon: 'Oh please, that was nothing.' 

I smirked and handed my bow to my brother.

Autumn: 'Show me what you got then.'

Damon: 'Seriously? You know I know nothing about a bow. I'm way better with a sword!'

Autumn: 'Are you scared to lose little brother?'

I smirked challenging. Damon rolled his eyes and grabbed the bow.

Damon: 'Watch this.'

He stretched the bow while I grabbed another apple from the ground and put it on the tree stump. He waited a moment and then shot. The arrow flew over the apple in the bushes.

Damon: 'Don't...say...anything.'

I bit my lip, trying not to laugh. I failed..

Damon: 'Shut up! I swear I'll challenge you to a sword battle.'

Autumn: 'Alright alright calm ur tits.'

My brother rolled his eyes. I walked towards the bushes where I last saw the arrow. I looked on the ground around me but it was nowhere to be found. Where is that stupid thing? I sighed and made my way further into the bushes. There! I saw a glimpse of the shiny steel. I bent over to avoid a branch. I was almost there. I grabbed the arrow and smiled. Got ya.

Damon: 'Ey, you found it?!'

I heard my brothers sarcastic voice in the distance.

Autumn: 'Yea got it!'

Suddenly, I felt  couple of eyes watching me. I looked around, but everything seemed fine. The hairs on my neck stood up and my heart began to beat faster. 

Autumn: 'Hello?'

Nothing... complete silence...

I shook my head. It's probably just my imagination. Stupid fantasy... I turned around and walked towards my brother. 

Four big black legs landed next to me. I froze. I felt a warm breath in my neck. I slowly turned around. A giant dragon of up to 20 metres protruded above me. My heart started to beat unhealthy fast, scared of what might happen, I took a step back. My shoe ended up on a twig that broke in half. The dragon looked down at me. Smoke came out of his massive nose. His grey eyes locked with mine and he roared which made the birds in the trees fly away. It opened his mouth. I raised both my arms to protect my head.


Fire everywhere...

>> Present time <<

Lady Margaret: 'Did you hear what I said?'

The voice woke me up from my daydreaming. I looked up.

Autumn: 'Yes, yes I heard you miss.'

Lady Margaret: 'Then what did I say?'

Autumn: 'I... eh.'

Damon: 'You said she had to mop the floor again because it's not clean enough for our guests to walk over.'

My twin brother walked into the kitchen and stood next to me. He saved me, again... I sighed of relief and smiled at Lady Margaret, who rolled her eyes at us.

Lady Margaret: 'What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to make up the beds?'

Damon: 'Already done.'

Lady Margaret: 'Watering the plants?'

Damon: 'Complete.'

Lady Margaret: 'Flirt with my daughters and the  worksters?'

Damon: 'Also done miss..... Wait..'

Lady Margaret: 'That's what I thought... Extra work for you today. You can start with the horses. Clean up the manure, change the hay and get the horses ready for a ride. After that you can help the cook getting the dinner ready for tonight. 

Damon: 'Damnit...'

Lady Margaret: 'Now!'

My brother sighed and left me and Lady Margaret alone to do the tasks. Lady Margaret looked down at me and I stared at my feet.

Lady Margaret: 'And for you...mop the floor. The whole house has to be clean and nice for the guests tonight. Oh and...'

She stopped and rolled her eyes.

Lady Margaret: 'Cover up that ugly burned skin. I don't want the guests to talk about you.'

I kept silence. How dare she! She knows exactly what happened to me. I gave her a little fake smile and left the room. I touched the burned skin on my right arm, taking me back to the day I got it. I could still feel the fire burning my flesh. The smell and the fear. I took a deep breath and walked towards the shed where the mop was. I pulled some water out of the well and started mopping the living room.

>> Five years ago <<


I heard my brother vaguely calling my name in the background. I'm laying on the ground. I wanted to call him, shout where I was, but my voice refused service. I tried to get up, but the burning pain in my arms made me shrink. I was just lying there, seconds become minutes. I cried. I felt tears rolling down my cheek. And another one... Then I didn't feel anything anymore. 

Everything got cold. 


Hey guys, the author here,

Thank you for reading the fist chapter of my new story. I hope you enjoyed! The next chapters will be shorter I promise! :)

Please text me and tell me what your thoughts are on this story. I'd really like to know what I can change in the story or/and if you've got any tips/suggestions or questions.

See you in the next chapter!


~ Eline

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