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Doreah: 'Wake up, wake up! Get your asses out of bed!. You have fifteen minutes to get dressed. I want you on the training field at exactly five o'clock. Get up NOW!'

The guardian turned around and closed the door. We all got out of bed. Well actually, we fell out of bed.

Milly: 'Are you kidding me? It's way too early!'

Kayla: 'Urgghh.'

Neveah: 'There is no way I'm getting out of bed.'

Brooke: 'Come on guys.'

I moaned and tried to find my clothes. It was still dark outside and I tripped over Neveah's shoes.

Milly: 'Wait, who just fell?'

Brooke: 'Autumn, was that you?'

Autumn: 'Ouch.'

Kayla: 'Are you alright?'

I didn't have to see her face to imagine the big grin on her face. And her sarcastic voice made it even worse. I rolled my eyes and pinched her ankle.

Autumn: 'Stop laughing at me!'

We laughed and she helped me up. We all got dressed. I tried to ignore Neveah constantly looking at me. The combat outfit felt heavy but at the same time incredibly light. The brown leather and black thick fabric were perfect for fighting. 

Brooke: 'Hey guys, look at this.'

I looked at Brooke who held a leather belt in her hands. It was colored dark purple.

Neveah: 'I've got one too, in yellow.'

Milly: 'Mine is blue.'

Kayla: 'Green over here.'

 I took mine and looked at it. It was dark red.

Milly: 'Let's go guys, we're already late.'

I nodded and we left the barack. The training fields were pretty far away. The walk itself took us twenty minutes. And you know... Asking EVERYONE which way to go also took us ten minutes.  When we finally saw the huge grass field, we ran as fast as we could. Oh gosh we were way over time. 

All the boys were already there. They stood in a circle, talking incredibly loud. 

Brody: 'Oh come on man! There is no way in the galaxy that you won because of luck. Again!'

Garret: 'Tell us your secret.'

Jax: 'I bet he cheated.'

Maxx: 'You guys are just good at losing.'

Riley: 'Oh ''HAHA'' .'

Doreah: 'Ladies. What a surprise to see you five here. I hope you've got a good reason to show up this late and let us wait.'

Milly: 'We're so sorry. We were lost and it's pretty far.'

Brooke: 'Yeah. If we knew that it would take us this long, we would've left the barack much sooner.'

Doreah: 'Save it. This time, I understand since it's your first day here.'

Kayla: 'Thank you.'

Doreah: 'Don't get me wrong dear.'

She raised her eyebrow.

Doreah: 'Next time you're late, I will not let you get away with it. Now shush and pay attention. Today, you'll be learning how to fight.'

Kayla and I looked at each other and both knew that it was going to be a looooong day. 

Doreah: 'You and you, get over here.'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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