Chapter 1

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*beep* *beep* *beep*

"Ughhhh," I groaned and I hit my alarm clock shutting off that horrible sound. I rolled over and went back to sleep.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!" Owen yelled as he burst into my room.

"Get out, Owen," I groaned.

"Not until you're out of bed." He replied back quickly.

"I'm awake see." I opened one eye barely.

"I'm not falling for this again. Besides, I made pancakes." He said that last part in a sing-song voice.

"Pancakes?" I shot up. I'm a sucker for breakfast food and just food in general, which Owen knows. He also knows I love my bed.

"Yup, but you have to get ready before you can have any."

I got out of bed and pushed him out of my room so I could get dressed.

I got dressed quickly throwing on a pair of leggings, a maroon red tank top, and my combat boots. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then I threw my long brown hair into a ponytail.

I walked into the kitchen and Owen was sitting at the island eating an apple.

"Where are the pancakes?" I asked him suspiciously.

He stood up and came over to me slowly and put a hand on my shoulder, "Now I know you're probably really upset with me but-"

"Did you lie to me so I would get out of bed?" I asked him furiously.

I shrugged his hand off my shoulder, "I can't believe you," I said as I shook my head and walked into the kitchen grabbing an apple, a granola bar, and a water bottle, ignoring Owen as he tried to explain, "I knew you wouldn't get out of bed if I didn't." He pleaded.

I grabbed an apple too and then walked towards the door, "We're gonna be late if you don't stop trying to justify your horrendous actions." I yelled right before grabbing my leather jacket and my keys and then the door slamming behind me.

Owen walked out a few seconds after me, slamming it behind him too, "I had to, you already slept in for an extra 15 minutes and you were dead asleep when I came in. What else was I supposed to do?"

"I knew what I was doing," I yelled to him as I hopped on my four-wheeler. 

"Did you?" He asked me.

"I'll see you at the paddock," I yelled before speeding off down the trail.

/// So I know this first chapter is super short most chapters won't even go over 1500 words it's so unlike my other book Part of the Family which sometimes goes over 2700 words. (Sorry about that)///

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