Chapter 2

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"Hey!" Owen yelled to the raptors as he held his hand up, "Okay!" He pressed his clicker, "Eyes on me! Blue?"

I watched my brother by a bucket full of dead rats.

"Blue! Watch it. Charlie. Hey! Don't give me that shit! Delta! Lock it up! Good! And... we're moving."

Owen walked over to me and the bucket of raptor snacks.

"HOLD!" He yelled to the raptors, "That's good. That is damn good," He pressed his clicker, "Very good! See Charlie, that what you get." He said as he threw a rat to Charlie who snatched it from the air. "Echo, there you go! Delta!" Both of them caught it in the air easily.

"Blue? This one's for you." Blue caught it and gulped it down. "HOLD... Eyes up! Go!" He yelled and then released his hand and the raptors scattered.

"You finally did it man." Barry said walking up to me and Owen, "Yeah I would high five you too if I wasn't still pissed at you." I said crossing my arms.

"You tricked her into thinking there were pancakes, didn't you? I told you it wouldn't work." Barry asked with a smirk.

"I had no other choice, we were gonna be late," Owen said defensively.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"Owen!" Someone shouted and I knew exactly who it was. "I was starting to think I hired the wrong guys, but, damn, you got them eating out of your palm." Hoskins continued as he approached us.

I rolled my eyes and Owen said, "You came on a good day. It's not usually a happy ending.

"Is that why you're not sending in your reports?" Hoskins asked.

"We've been busy," Barry replied.

"Not too busy to cash your paychecks." He said as he playfully punched Barry in the arm, which made him cross his arms in irritation.

"What do you need, buddy?" Owen asked him.

"A field test." I rolled my eyes, 'Oh boy,' I thought. Owen started walking away and Hoskins followed him, "Hey. I've just seen they can respond to commands. We need to take the research and get it on its feet." Hoskins explained as he followed Owen and I followed quietly behind them.

"These are wild animals, Hoskins. Trust me, you don't want them in the field." Owen said.

"I just saw a bond. A real bond. Between man and beast." Hoskins said, stepping in front of Owen.

"You're in my way," Owen said firmly. I stood beside Owen with my arms crossed and glaring at Hoskins.

"Come one. We're the same. We're dogs of war. We know that the military needs to reduce casualties. Some people think that robots are the future." Hoskins explained and Owen just walked right past him, "Look, nature gave us the most effective killing machine 75 million years ago. And now we know they can take orders."

"We finally make progress and that's the first thing he says? Make a weapon?" Barry said.

"Shit. Come on gents."

"Ahem," I cleared my throat.

"And ladie," Hoskins said sarcastically, I rolled my eyes at him, "it's grown-up time. Drones can't search tunnels and caves and they're hackable. The minute a real war breaks out, all that fancy tech is gonna go dark." Hoskins explained.

"But that tech's not gonna eat them if they forget to feed it," I added.

"You shouldn't even be here, you're a child," Hoskins said.

"I'm 16." I hissed.

"Well, ya don't look it," Hoskins said.

"Seriously?" I shouted.

"Hey calm down," Owen said and put a hand in front of me as if that would stop me.

"Look at these creatures." Hoskins said as he pointed to the raptors, "They've got millions of years of instinct in their cells, instinct that we can program. Their loyalty can not be bought. These guys are gonna run straight into the enemy's teeth and eat them, belt buckle and all." Hoskins explained as I stood beside Owen and watched the raptors play.

"What if they decide they wanna be in control?" Barry asked.

"Well, then we remind them who is. We terminate the rogues. Promote only loyal bloodlines."

Barry laughed and I scoffed, "What? What's so funny?"

Owen whistled, "I don't know. You come here and you don't learn anything about these animals except what you want to know. You made them, and now you think you own them." Owen said.

"We do own them. Extinct animals have no rights." Hoskins said.

"They're not extinct anymore, Hoskins," I said.

"Don't you have school, you're in like 5th grade right?" Hoskins said.

"Hoskins I swear to God," I started at him. "Hey, O, why don't you go help Barry." Owen asked. "Fine, but just so you know Hoskins. You're a dick." I said and walked off.

I walked down the stairs to Barry and helped him get the raptors food ready.

As we're getting it ready we hear someone yell "Pig loose! Pig loose!" We run over to the cage just in time to see a worker fall into the cage.

Owen opens the cage door and crawls inside, "Owen, no!" I shouted at him, but he didn't listen.

I watched as rangers aimed their weapons at the raptors, "Oh no, no, hold your fire." Owen yelled to them, "Hold your fire, do not fire." He yelled as he put himself in front of the raptors blocking them from eating the worker.

Barry presses a button to stop the gate from opening anymore.

"Put 12 amps in these animals, they're never gonna trust me again," Owen said as Barry and I help the worker, who I now know is Leon the new guy, outside of the paddock.

"Blue, stand down. Stand down." Owen said firmly and she snapped at Owen which made me flinch, "Hey, hey! What did I just say? Delta, I see you. Back up." Owen commanded and Delta snarled.

"Ok, good. Good. Charlie? Stay right there. Good." Owen said, "Close the gate." He instructed.

"Are you crazy?" Barry asked. "Owen, no!" I screamed. My heart is racing and my palms are starting to get sweaty.

"Just trust me." Owen assured.

"Close the gate!" Leon yelled.

"Shut up." I hissed at him.

Barry hit the button and the gate started closing, "No!" I yelled and tried to stop it by clicking the button by pushing past Barry, but he blocked me and held my body so I couldn't reach it.

Owen slowly backed up to the gate and at the last possible second, he drops and rolled underneath just before the gate slammed shut. The raptors tried to get him but they rammed into metal bars instead.

"Owen!" I yelled and collapsed into his body embracing him in a hug, which he returned. "I'm ok." He assured. I pulled away from him and socked him in the arm, "Don't ever do that again."I said furiously.

"You ok?" Barry asked him.

"I'm fine." He assured.

"You're the new guy, right?" Owen asked Leon.

"Yeah," Leon said dryly, probably from fear.

"You ever wonder why there was a job opening?" Owen asked and Leon gulped, "Hey. Don't ever turn your back to the cage." Owen said.

Leon turned around to find himself face to face with Delta.

Hoskins walked away and I followed Owen. 

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