Chapter 5

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Owen slowly got out from under the car and then he helped me. My hands were still balled into fists and my breathing was shaky. Owen pulled me into a hug and I cried into his chest, "They're all dead." I cried. 

"It's ok. You're safe. We're safe." He reassured me calmly. We stayed in a hug for a couple of minutes until he pulled away, "We should get to the control room." He said softly. 

"Ok." I nodded. 


Owen and I made it to the control room. Owen stormed in and I was right beside him arms crossed in anger.

"I need to see a badge. Sir, I need to see a badge." Owen and I completely ignored him and Owen pushed past him.

"What the hell happened out there?" Owen asked furiously.

The security guard was still trying to stop us. He put a hand on my shoulder, "Get off me." I shouted as I pushed his hand off me. I watched as everybody started looking at us.

"Guess that got their attention," I muttered.

"There are thermal cameras all over that paddock. She did not just disappear!" He said anger spewing out like venom.

"It must have been some kind of technical malfunction." Claire sighed.

"Were you not watching? She marked up that wall as a distraction. She wanted us to think she escaped!" Owen said angrily.

"Hold on. We are talking about an animal here." Claire said.

"A highly intelligent animal." I retaliated.

The same woman who we heard on the radio said something, "400 meters to the beacon."

A screen showed stun guns that a group of ACU soldiers is armed with.

"You're going after her with non-lethals?" Owen asked.

"We have $26 million invested in that asset. We can't just kill it." Masrani said.

"Those men are gonna die." I gasped in fear. Owen put a gentle hand on my shoulder but even that made me flinch.

"300 meters to the beacon." The woman said.

"You need to call this mission off right now," Owen demanded.

"They're right on top of it." The woman said.

"Call it off now," Owen demanded.

"You are not in control here!" Claire shouted.

We watched the screen as the team got out of their vehicles and proceeded on foot to the Indominus Rex.

The commander picks up the tracking implant from the ground, and the team members became wary.

"The blood's not clotted yet. It's close." The commander said into his earpiece.

"What is that?" Masrani asked.

"That's her tracking implant. She clawed it out." Owen said.

"How would it know to do that?" Claire asked worriedly.

"She remembered where they put it in," Owen said.

"It can camouflage!" The commander yelled.

We watched the screen as he ran from it and the ACU team hit her with their stun guns which isn't doing anything. Big surprise. We watched as he was crushed by the Indominus, being flattened.

We watched as one by one their members began to flatline. I turned to Owen and put my head in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, "It's ok."

"Evacuate the island." Owen said.

"We'd never reopen," Claire said.

"That's what matters to you?" I turned around yelling. "Those people just died!" I shouted as tears ran down my face.

"Olivia calm down," Claire said to me.

"You don't get to tell me to calm down!" I shouted. "I almost died, my brother almost died. And you're concerned that you won't reopen." I yelled.

Owen squeezed my shoulder which I know means shut up.

"You made a genetic hybrid, raised it in captivity." He said walking back and forth, "She is seeing all of this for the first time. She doesn't even know what she is. She will kill everything that moves." Owen explained.

"Do you think the animal is contemplating its own existence?" Masrani asked.

"She is learning where she fits in the food chain, and I'm not sure you want her to figure that out. Now, Asset Containment can use live ammunition in an emergency situation. You have an M134 in your armory. Put it on a chopper and smoke this thing!" Owen said.

"We have families here. I'm not gonna turn this place into some kind of war zone." Claire said.

"You already have," Owen said.

"Mr. Grady, if you're not gonna help, there's no reason for you, or your daughter to be in here," Claire said

"I'm his sister." I hissed.

"I would have a word with your people in the lab. That thing out there, that's no dinosaur." Owen said to Masrani and then both he and I stormed out.


Owen and I went down to the lobby to help the people. We brought them bottled water and towels for the heat.

I'm handing a little girl bottled water and I see Claire looking around nervously.

'She must be looking for someone. But who?'  I thought as I tried to make my way away from her.

"Olivia! Olivia." She called for me.

"Damn,"  I whispered as she ran towards me with a panicked look on her face.

"What do you want?" I asked her. 

"Olivia, where's Owen?" She asked nervously.

"He's over here, why?" I asked as I lead her over to Owen who's in the middle of the room helping a lady. He saw us and stood up.

"I need you." Claire said.

"Okay..." Owen said looking at me suspiciously.

"Don't look at me, I don't know anything," I said with my hands up in innocence.

"I need your help. My nephews, they're out in the valley. Please if anything happens to them..." Claire began to explain, Owen leads a very scared Claire away from the crowd and I went with them.

"How old?" Owen asked her.

"The older one, he's um... He's uh... High school age. The younger one, he' He's a few years..." She sputtered moving her hands up and down trying to tell us their height maybe, "You don't know how old your nephews are?" I asked confused.

"It's been a while since I've seen them ok?"

"Alright, alright. I'll help you. Olivia, you're staying here."

"The hell I am." I raised my voice, "Sorry, but I'm not leaving you." I said.

"Is there any way I can win this argument without wasting time?" He asked me.

"No," I replied.

"Alright then, guess you're coming with us. Let's go." He instructed and Claire and I followed him.

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