Chapter 6

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"Stay in the car," Owen instructed as he got out of the car.

I opened my door to get out, "Olivia, that means you too." He said.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

Owen walked over to a severely injured Apatosaurus. He knelt down and placed a hand on the dying dinosaur.

Claire and I both get out and start walking towards the 2 of them, we both kneeled down beside the dinosaur.

I watched as Claire's face changed from confusion to heartbreak. She placed a hand on the Dinosaur but it startled the Apatosaurus, the Apatosaurus raised her head and bellowed before laying back down.

"It's ok. You're ok." I whispered to her as tears starting to pool in my eyes. Claire places her hand on the dinosaur again and a tear slides down her cheek.

She died and the tears started spilling over. Owen placed a hand on my shoulder and we all stayed there for a minute in silence.

Owen stands up and Claire and I do the same, wiping my eyes as I do. We follow Owen up a hill, I saw at least 5 dead Apatosaurus. Claire gasped and placed both her hands over her mouth.

I couldn't believe my eyes, "It didn't eat them," I said quietly trying to hold back more tears.

"It's killing for sport," Owen said.


We trekked through the woods silently and it was super awkward Claire and Owen kept glancing at each other in such a weird way. Claire walked a bit ahead of us and I took this as an opportunity to mess with him.

"Hey, Owen, I have a question,"

"Hit me."

I punched him in the arm. "Not literally." He said as he rubbed his and we both laughed.

"But seriously I have a question," I said becoming very serious.

"What is it?" He asked looking a little concerned.

"If you and Claire get married would that make her my stepmother or stepsister?"

"I don't know." He paused "Wait who said we're getting married?" He asked stopping in his tracks in confusion and I started laughing so hard I clenched my stomach.

"What's going on?" Claire asked turning around.

"N-nothing," Owen stuttered and I held my breath to keep from laughing.

"We should keep moving," Owen instructed in a serious tone.

I chuckled and Owen looked back at me and gave me a glare.

"Hey. there. I'm Jimmy Fallon. Welcome aboard the GyroSphere, an amazing machine made possible by science--"

"Over here," Owen said and we followed Owen to wherever he was going.

"Hey--, there I'm Jimmy Fallon-- welcome aboard the Gyro--sphere--" It cut off.

"What happened here?" I thought out loud.

Claire saw something and ran towards it, "No, no, no." She said fearfully as she held a phone which I'm assuming is one of her nephews.

"Hey." Owen said and we both looked up at him, "They made it out." He finished.

I helped Claire up from her knees and we followed Owen all the way to a waterfall. Where Owen noticed some footprints. Claire and I noticed them too, "Oh my God, they jumped." Claire said worriedly.

"Brave kids," Owen said.

"Ah!" I screamed as Owen shook me.

"What the hell Owen? That's not funny." I said angrily.

"You should've seen your face. Did you see her face Claire?" Owen asked in between laughs.

"Can we stop with the games please?" She said irritatedly.

"We seriously need to have a talk about your language," Owen said.

"Whatever," I say rolling my eyes, "I have to learn it from somewhere," I said to him with a smirk. Which left him speechless.

"Zach! Gray!" Claire yelled. I flinched and looked around in fear. Owen rushes to claire and covers her mouth while shushing her.

Claire pushed his hands away and quietly yelled at him, "Hey! I am not one of your damn animals." I snickered at this.

"Listen, those kids are still alive, but we will not be if you continue to scream like that," Owen said.

"So... You can pick up their scent, can't you? Uh, track their footprints?" She asked in a loud whisper.

"I was with the Navy, not the Navajo," Owen stated with an annoyed look on his face and I stared at her in complete shock.

"So then what should we do? What do you suggest we do?" She asked hurriedly.

"You get back, both of you. I'll find them."

"What?" I said and Claire said, "No, we'll find them."

Owen dismissed us, "You're not gonna be any help." He said to me and I scoffed, but before I could speak he held his hand up, "And you'll last 2 minutes in there. Less, in those ridiculous shoes."

I nodded my head at her and she looked from me to Owen. She stared at him and unbuckled her belt. Owen and I looked at her, both of us, shocked and confused as we watch her. She unbuttons her shirt, and ties it, showing her light purple tank top. Then she places her hands on her hips.

"I'm confused," I said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Owen asked her.

"It means I'm ready to go." She exclaimed.

I busted out laughing again, "I'm staying with Claire she's funny." I said in between laughs.

She glared at me, "Well at least I'm not some kid who thinks they know everything about this island." She said.

"I know a hell of a lot more than you do," I said walking towards her, but of course Owen stops me. "Let me go, I'm fine," I say and push him off me.

"Okay. Let's get a couple of things straight. First, I'm in charge out here. Second, You do everything I say, exactly as I say it. And third, there will be no fighting between the 2 of you. Got it?" He said, "Got it?" He said again looking at me.

"Fine," I said crossing my arms.

"Excuse me?" Claire said.

"Just relax. It's like taking a stroll through the woods. 65 million years ago." Owen says.

Claire sighs and walks away from us, Owen watching her.

"You still like her," I said in a sing-song voice.

"Shut up." He said and walked away.

"Hey, wait up, don't leave me alone," I said catching up to him.

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