Yoongi's POV

The Next Day At School~

Taehyung looked at me.
"So you finally mustered the courage to have some level of social interaction?"
I just nodded. Taehyung busted out laughing.
"It's funny" He chuckled.
"The only person that you can talk to is the guy who has a major crush on you."
My eyes widened. "He What?"
"There have been rumors going around that he likes you. He supposedly won't let anything get in his way of your relationship."
"Hmm. Those are probably just rumors. Why would anyone have a crush on me?" 
"A lot of people like you."
"How do you know?"
"A ton of people have asked me to hook them up with you."
"Really?" I was honestly surprised. 
"Yeah. That girl Jennie came to me a few days ago."
"She's so annoying." I frowned.
"I know right." Taehyung played on his phone. 
I started to pay attention to the teacher. I was in the middle of writing notes when the bell rang. I got up and started walking to lunch with Taehyung. When we arrived at the cafeteria all the tables were fully occupied, except for the table where Jimin was sitting. Taehyung got excited and pulled me by my arm. I resisted, but Taehyung is much stronger than me. He walked with me to Jimin's table.
 "Can we sit here?" Tae looked at Jimin.
"Sure."Jimin smiled.
We both sat down. I just sat there while Taehyung talked with Jimin and his friends. 
"This is Jin, Namjoon, and Jungkook," Jimin said. "and my name is Jimin."
"I'm Taehyung." Tae smiled. "and this is Yoongi." He patted me on the head.
I giggled and blushed, I'm not good at introductions. 
"You don't talk much, do you?" Jungkook looked at me.
"He's just really shy," Taehyung replied.
I was kind of flustered, everyone seemed to be staring at me
Taehyung continued to talk casually.
Just as everyone started getting comfortable the bell rang. I get up and start walking to English class, the one I have with Jimin

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