Yoongi's POV

I walked out to the schoolyard, trying to avoid Jackson and the other bullies. 
"Hey, nerd!"
 I wanted to cry as soon as I heard his voice. I tried to ignore him and just walk away. Jackson ran up to me "Why aren't you answering me?"
"At least look at me."He poked the side of my head.
I stopped walking and looked up at him.  
"Finally you're paying attention to me," Jackson said."now respond."
I looked down at my phone. He pushed me into a wall.
I looked up at him "What do you want?"
"I want your wallet, nerd"
"I left my money at home."
He punched me in my stomach, which winded me instantly. I struggled to keep my balance. "Want to try again?"
"I honestly didn't bring my wallet."
Jackson pushed me to the ground and started kicking me. My vision blurred. Time seemed to slow down as I tried to squirm away. I felt my heartbeat in my head. I felt the air leave my lungs, someone started running over to stop Jackson from attacking me. I heard a strange noise as someone pulled Jackson away from me. The person who saved me kneeled next to me.  My vision adjusted.
"Jimin?" tears flooded my eyes as I recognized him. 
He pulled me into his arms. I started sobbing as Jimin stroked my hair. Jackson got up. Jimin gave him the death stare, which made Jackson scared. Jackson just ran off.
 "Come to my house. It's close to the school." Jimin helped me get off the ground.
I stumbled but Jimin helped me stay stable. I leaned on him. He walked me to his house, which was way closer to the school than mine is. We went inside his house.
"Honey! You're late!" His mom yelled from the kitchen.
"Where's the first aid kit?!?" Jimin yelled back.
Jimin sat me down on the couch. Jimin's mom came into the living room with a small first aid kit. Jimin grabbed it and walked over to where I was sitting. 
"What happened?" 
"Well, he seems fine." 
"Yeah, he's not badly injured."
"Well, Namjoon and Jin are in your room." 
"Of course."
Jimin helped me clean my face. He handed me some clothes.
"Go in the bathroom, take a shower, and put these on."
I nodded and went into the bathroom. 

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