At Edge

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I turned to see Roxas calling me, his body giving off an impatient look. I smiled and replied with, "Coming Roxas!" 

Quickly, I ran over to my somewhat younger brother. Vanitas frowned and said,"Why can't we just leave him behind?" He smirked as I rolled my eyes. "Can you ever stop being so...mean?" i asked him.



"Cause I can't. Your to easy to make fun of."

He flicked me on the forehead and started running towards the car. "HEY!" I yelled and ran after him. He started teasing me as I did so. Roxas followed, not to far behind us. 

As soon as I reached the car 2 unversed stopped me in my tracks. I tripped over them. "HEY!" I yelled, "I thought we agreed not to use our powers near the car!" He chuckled and said, "Doesn't mean we-HEY!" Xion hit him on the head with a book. He groaned and rubbed his head. "Xion!" I exclaimed,"You saved me!"  

One of the Unversed despaired and the other jumped over to Vanitas. He held the little monster and turned to look at Xion. "Why are you always  on his side," Vanitas said. She turned towards him and replied with, "Because sometimes he's right and your wrong." She smiled and handed the book over to him. 

"Great, are we all here?" Ventus asked. All of us nodded. He grinned and then jumped in the limo. We followed shortly after. I sat in my usual spot and began to daydream 

I totally forgot to introduce myself. I'm Sora. The others over there are my siblings Ventus, Vanitas, Roxas, and Xion. We are The Big Five of the land! They call us that for no reason other than we are all unique. Unique meaning pretty weird compared to others. They consider us secretive. We were adopted by the king. His name is Cloud. He was a mercenary and a guard here but, the former King Mickey had died mysteriously. No one else had the potential to take the thrown but him. 

Back to the power thing. We were genetically,physically, and should I put this...improved or reinforced. This gave us abilities that no others can posses. It also makes extraordinary things attracted to us like unversed or heartless. Although it seems like having these abilities is great but...we can't tell anyone. Cloud said we'd be hunted down. So we keep it hidden from everyone. Even our own kingdom. 

"So are you guys falling any classes?" Xion asked politely. She always makes sure we are passing with flying colors. "All A's except for History. That's a B," Ventus said with a huge grin. "I have 2 C's but the rest are A's and B's," Roxas said solemnly. "Wouldn't you like to know," Vanitas replied. She rolled her eyes than looked at me. I started sweating and said nervously,"I...need a little help in...math." She furrowed her brow. "Math is easy Sora! Maybe if you'd pay attention," She said. I rolled my eyes and continued to daydream as she scolded me. 

"Your stop," the driver said. We thanked him, all expect Vanitas, and jumped out the car. 


Everyone was laughing,  giggling, and talking to their friends. But, something is different. It doesn't look like the usaul deal. 

"What's up?" Roxas asked me I shrugged my shoulders and made my way to the entrance. There I saw a tall, muscular man Talking to one of the staff members in the office. His eyes were a goldish color and he looked...evil. The man slowly looked at me. Weirded out, I just stood there returning the glance. A smirk slowly stained his face dark face and he continued talking to the teacher.  Ventus smacked me on the head. 

"This isn't any of our business," He said quietly. I nodded and started towards my classes. The five of us walked together to our class. First period we have together. Xion was talking about her orchestra teacher and we listened to her till someone grabbed my shoulder. All of us turned slowly to look. 

"Hello children," the man said. It was that creepy looking guy from the office. Uneasaly we all replied with a simple good morning. Vanitas, however, said,"What do you want creep?" I flinched at his rude attitude. "I'm merely here to meet The Big Five. It is such a pleasure," he said coolly. 

Xion gently pulled me away from him as I stared uneasily. He looked as if he was waiting for this moment his whole life. He smiled and waved goodbye as he walked down the hall. "Tch. That was weird," Vanitas said angrily, "Why would he  say hi then immediately say bye? Stupid old people." 

I had this weird feeling in my chest. It was like I've met him before. Some where-

"See you later...Sora."

My eyes widened. I turned to see a person I have never seen before pass by me. His silver hair gleamed in the morning sunlight as he walked the halls. The way he wore his uniform wasn't perfect but, it showed his some what masculine body. 

The mystery boy glanced back at me. I noticed the blind fold on his face and got freaked out. "What is going on today?" Ventus asked, confused by the boy I was staring at. "I don't know..." I said quiet confused myself. Ventus began to talk to Xion and Roxas. I sighed. First that man now whoever that is. 

Do you know him Sora? 

I turned and looked at Vanitas. 

No. Do you?

Never seen him before. What did he tell you?

He said he would see me later. 

Hm...ok..keep your guard up. I'll figure things out.

I nodded. He always has been caring. But, he'll tell you he is concerned is mentally only. Believe it or not, he is very protective.

 Vantias began walking close by me. I started thinking to myself. I can tell there is a lot of weird things that are gonna happen this year...A lot.

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