Things Get Weirder

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((I'm writing this on a phone that doesn't have emojis. This kinda sucks))

Sora's Pov

What the hell is wrong with me?

The first 2 periods passed quickly and now its time to go to third. Yet I'm still shaking from this morning. Plus I feel like throwing up. Could this get any worse?

"Hey Sora!" I turned to Pence who was running towards me. Once he caught up he grinned and said, "Tomorrow Olette is throwing a huge party for her birthday tonight! She's inviting everyone. It's going to be crazy!  Are you coming?" I thought about this it for a while then replied with, "Yeah sure! Do I have to bring anything?" He smiled and said, "Just a present of course."

"Do you know what she wants?"

He put his hand on his chin.

"Hmmm... Me and Hayner are already giving her the gummi phone and the pet she really wanted. Oh! You could get her some jwelery! She's been dying for some new ones!"

I grinned and began walking.

"Sure! I'll see you there  Pence!"

"See you there Sora!"

I smiled and turned forward. Ollete really deserves the best so, I should get her some specail  jwelery before I go. But, where can I find the best jewelry? No, that won't work. Either way I have to have it by tonight. Uggh! If I was a girl I would probably know. 

Someone had put their hands over my eyes. I squirmed a bit and said," HEY! Who's  there?" I heard a tiny giggle. I sniffed for a while then smiled and said, "Kairi is that you?" She let go of my face and put her head on my shoulder. "What gave it away?" she asked in a sweet tone. I laughed. "Well you giggled and I smelt that perfume you always use." She grinned and kissed my cheek. 

"Sooooo," she began, "Are  you going to Olette's party?" I nodded and grabbed her hand. She smiled as the warning bell rang. "We better get to class before we're late and our siblings start to chew us out." I nodded and we raced to the next class. Of course I bet her there and in a nick of time. The bell rang as we walked to our seats. As I passed by one of the desk, I felt the world slowing down. Pretty soon everything was going really slow. I turned my head slightly in confusion and I saw...


That boy with the silver hair...he was looking at me. I mean...he had a blindfold but...I feel like he was looking at me. Almost directly! But why? What does he want? Why did he come to this school anyway?


Is he after me?


Could I be in danger?


Does he wanna kill me?


I snapped out of whatever was going on and turned to look at Kairi who was starring at me intently. I sat up and rubbed my head. I looked around the class, my chest heaving for air. I then looked at that boy. He wasn't looking at me but rather looking at the board. I sighed and stood up. 

"Sora are you ok?" Kairi asked with concern. I looked down at her and said, "Yeah...I think." She sighed with relief. "What happened? You just started breathing heavily and then you passed out and I told the teacher to call the nurse," She asked, curiosity dripping in her voice. I rubbed my head and shrugged my shoulders. She then gave me a hug. 

Are you sure your ok?

I looked at Vanitas who was sitting in the corner of the class with his legs up on the desk. He was watching this whole time?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Ok then, what happened exactly?

I dunno. Everything just slowed and I geuss I collapssed.


Yeah. It was so weird. I felt like everyone in the world had dissapered and it was just me and...

You and?

Me and...that boy from this morning. 

We both intently turned to look at him who was now looking at me once more. A chill ran through my spine as I felt some sort of connection come between us. 

I your back Sora. I'll try to figure things out.

I nodded and started walking to my seat. The teacher asked me if I was ok and if I needed to go to the nurse or not. I told her I was fine and the class counited after she asked one more time. As the teacher was writing, I felt a sickness that I felt before come through my stomach. I groaned as I hit my head on the table lightly. Maybe I should have gone the nurse. 

I all of a sudden felt something stuck in my throat. I covered my mouth and decided it was best if I went to the bathroom. 

"Teacher! Can I use the restroom?" I asked. She nodded and I walk hastily to the bathroom. As soon as I got in the stall, I quickly locked and quickly turned towards the toilet. I felt my stomach come up to my throat and I threw it all up. After a while of throwing up, I coughed and looked down. 

There went my brea- wait what?

I looked down at the blood that just came up. I began to breath heavily and my vision blurred. 

What the hell? I haven't thrown up blood in years. Not, no, no, No! This can't be happening again! Not again! I can't...why? Why? 

I felt my chest begging for air. I backed up against the wall. I tried to stand up but failed. I attempted once more and scrambled to get the stall unlocked. As soon as it did, I fell to the floor and backed up. My vision got even blurrier as I backed into the wall of the bathroom. I felt my body getting lighter and I passed out.


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